Winter Storm Slams Hamilton County

A massive 2,000-mile snow storm has swept across the great plains and is now moving into the Midwest, covering everything in its path with snow and ice. The National Weather Service is predicting that snow accumulation will top out between four and seven inches tonight. Temperatures will continue to drop into the teens over the…

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Latest Update On The Huskies

This morning, the weather was unseasonably warm. Not a snowflake in sight. We call off school for a snow day. Wait! What!? When we receive reports that severe weather is coming our way we follow an intricate process to help us make the best decision we can on whether to delay, dismiss early, or close…

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Daily Almanac: Feb. 04, 2022

Sunrise/Sunset RISE: 7:53 a.m.      SET: 6:10 p.m. High/Low Temperatures High:  21°F Low:  0°F Wacky Holiday Today • National Quacker Day • National Hemp Day • World Cancer Day What Happened On This Day • 2004 Facebook is founded • 1789 George Washington is elected as first President of the United States Births On This Day…

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Snow Day Used To Mean Fun Day At Home, But No

Every year on Groundhog Day, which is Tuesday, Punxsutawney Phil comes out of his burrow to see if he will see his shadow, which predicts six more weeks of winter. If he doesn’t see his shadow, spring is right around the corner. From the current weather forecast, it doesn’t look and feel like spring is…

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Noblesville Farmers Market Receives Grant From Hamilton County Community Foundation

Noblesville Main Street (NMS) today announced an award of $6,250 from the Crosser Family Foundation, a fund of Hamilton County Community Foundation, to support the 2022 Noblesville Farmers Market. “We are grateful for the support of the Crosser Family Foundation on such an important cause,” said Kate Baker, executive director of Noblesville Main Street. “This…

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Daily Almanac: Feb. 03, 2022

Sunrise/Sunset RISE: 7:54 a.m. SET: 6:09 p.m. High/Low Temperatures High: 25 °F Low: 13 °F Wacky Holiday Today • Doggy Date Night • National Women Physicians Day • National Carrot Cake Day What Happened On This Day • 1966 Luna 9 touches down on the Moon • 1998 20 people die in the Cavalese cable…

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Playhouse donor has a passion for theater

When I learned last week that a local playhouse would rename its home in honor of a “sizable donation,” I wanted to know more about the philanthropic donors whose unexpected gift has suddenly brought good fortune to this 30-year-old community theater. Frank and Katrina Basile’s donation of $100,000 was given to Main Street Productions Inc.,…

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