Arrowood Extolls HHSC Teachers and Students

It’s my distinct pleasure to announce Hamilton Heights School Corporation’s Building Level Teachers of the Year! This year’s recipients are Chelsea Kleyla (HHES), Jeff Beechler (HHMS), and Elisa Garcia (HHHS). One of these educators will be selected to represent Hamilton Heights at the Indiana Teacher of the Year competition in the fall. The winner will be named at the End of the Year Breakfast for staff on June 3. In addition, our honorees for the Building Level Support Staff Member of the Year are Toby Etchison (HHES), AJ Robinson (HHMS), and Erin Bilderback (HHHS).
These annual recognition programs acknowledge and celebrate some of our district’s most exceptional educators and support staff. Their commitment to student success exemplifies all that is good in our public schools. What makes these awards so special is that the winners are selected by their colleagues, who see the impact these individuals have on students and families — in and out of the classroom every day. These amazing honorees represent education at its best at Hamilton Heights and we are grateful to have this caliber of professionals in our district. Congratulations!
Fourteen Business Professionals of America (BPA) students traveled to Dallas, Texas to participate in the National Leadership Conference and eight received top medals including Corbin Landrey who won the National Torch Ambassador of the Year and placed 8th in Payroll Accounting. Amber Lane was awarded a $1,000 BPA scholarship and also placed in the Top 9 in Desktop Publishing and Database Applications. Elianna Watson, Devyn Taylor and Melissa Lovell, who comprised the Global Marketing Team, placed in the Top 10. Ben Wolfgang, Jenn Houser, and Lydia Lytle with the Adobe XD Experience also placed in the Top 10. Well done!
Heights’ Robotics Teams also had a great experience in Dallas. They were among more than 20,000 students from 36 countries to compete at this year’s VEX Robotics World Championship. We had teams make it to the finals, and one team won one of only 10 Sportsmanship Awards for the entire event! Congratulations!
I want to give a shout out to the members of the Northern Hamilton County Chamber of Commerce and all those who helped make the second annual Sheridinner a success! The proceeds from this fundraising event benefit the business programs at Hamilton Heights and Sheridan Community Schools. Thank you for your partnership and positive impact.
Speaking of a positive impact, better broadband could be coming to our area soon. To ensure we can get reliable broadband connection where it’s needed, accurate data is needed. By participating in the Indiana Speed Test, you will help create a real-time map that will help plan improvements to internet availability in our county. Click here to take the test. It’s anonymous, and the address entered is converted to a GIS location for privacy purposes. Thank you in advance for your time and input.
As a reminder, this Friday, May 20, is our last e-Learning Day. Our last student day is Thursday, June 2, and Friday, June 3 is the last day for teachers. Thank you for working together to finish the school year strong by putting our best selves forward in support of our staff, students, and one another! #WeAreHuskies
– Dr. Derek Arrowood is the Superintendent of the Hamilton Heights School Corporation.