Letter to the Editor: Reader Disagrees with Timmons Column

Dear Editor,

I am ready for some friendly discussion. With the November elections getting close I am hearing “Biden’s inflation”. Inflation doesn’t happen in a year or a year and a half. Let’s look at the effects of Covid19. You (Tim Timmons) mentioned $2.00 a gallon gasoline (in a column), and if my memory serves me and sometime it doesn’t, the best price I remember was $2.77. I am also not an economist, but I do remember something about supply and demand having something to do with pricing. During Covid19 everyone stayed home: no dining out, very little socializing with friends, canceling of events, traveling nearly stopped and a big one, a lot of people not even commuting to work but working from home. Since there was very little demand for gasoline, the price was $2.77 per gallon. As Covid19 subsided there was a built up demand to once again socialize with friends and family, dine out, go to entertainment events, travel and you guessed it, go back to work. Thus there is now more demand than supply and up goes the price of gasoline. Another problem is the war in Ukraine which is putting a worldwide demand on energy. Another effect of the Covid19 pandemic was the breakdown of the supply chain which is still affecting the price of food. When you go to the market is everything on your list readily available? Again, I believe supply and demand is effecting price.

I would also like to address your comments about Donald Trump. Please check out or you probably already know the definition of a psychopathic, narcissistic personality disorder. After refreshing your memory about the disorder see if anyone in particular comes to mind. (What if Al Gore was still calling foul over hanging chads?) As for Trump’s continued complaining about the 2020 election fraud if there had been one or two states in question maybe there could have been grounds to claim a challenge about the election results, but five states? Come on. I do understand that Trump in his own mind believes he won because his father trained him that he could not be a loser. On another side of Trump, there is a saying that states “birds of a feather flock together.” Let me mention a few of Trump’s close associates and tell me what you think. These are the associates that come to mind, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Alex Jones, Michael Flynn, the pillow guy and QAnon. Do birds of a feather flock together? Tim, you also made mention of Biden reference to Fascist. I believe Biden made reference to MAGA members as fascists which I do believe was an over statement and probably should not have been made. I also do not believe everyone who voted for Trump are MAGA supporters. I do want to include the Donald Trump planned insurrection and the Coup D’etat. Trying to overturn an election by not accepting the electorals and summiting artificial electorals, pressuring Mike Pence to not accept the electorals, lock stepping the Republicans senators into not accepting the real electorals. There is also Trump’s asking that metal detectors not be used during the gathering before the attack on the Capital because his supporters, some of whom were armed, were not going to hurt him. Then there is the fact that Trump watched the takeover of the capital with no action for over three hours. A takeover of the capital which he could have stopped at any time.

There was a time in Europe around 1938 when a man started his move to take over a country. He promoted nationalism, promised to turn around a very bad economy, lived off large crowds and hour long speeches, developed enemies to unite his country behind his movement, replaced all the legal system with his own choice of people, demanded complete and total loyalty or you were gone and destroyed the very structure that was the seat of the previous government. Does anyone come to mind and do you see any similarities in our country today?

We have a very important November election coming very soon. I believe the two most important items on the ballot are our democracy and abortion laws. Democracy is not spelled out but any vote in support of Donald Trump and his endorsed candidates is a vote against democracy. Let me clarify, I am not saying anything about stand alone Republicans or conservatives. I have friends that have told me they are no longer Republicans but are still conservatives. There is one problem in our government today and it is Donald Trump. On abortion there are far too many gray areas that need to be addressed before any type of law should replace Roe vs Wade. The topic of a referendum concerning abortion on the November ballot came up during debate on the abortion law here in Indiana which I believe would be a tool to express the wishes of the people. The comment by one legislator was that abortion was not a referendum issue. I believe the state’s abortion law is on the ballot and one’s stance on the subject can be expressed by the way one votes.

Tim, one last subject, I bet you are happy. It is the 2024 election and your statement that you would vote for Donald Trump again. I do believe and hope that Donald Trump will be barred from holding office in the future. My vote is going to be for our democracy, freedom, the rule of low, which I believe no one should be above. My vote will be for Liz Cheney if she runs.

David Marsh