Meeting Notes: Hamilton Heights School Corporation Board 10/19/2022

Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2022 at 7:30 a.m.

Hamilton Heights Middle School, 25150 SR 19, Arcadia

  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Call to Order: Julie Davis, President
  3. Minutes: (motion)
    • September 21, 2022 Regular Meeting
  4. Curriculum / Board Information and Policy Updates – Derek Arrowood
    • HHMS Highlight – Conner James – HHMS Job Spark CTE Learning Experience
    • 2023 Board Meeting Calendar (motion)
  5. Business and Operations – Kristin McCarty
    • September 2022 Financials
    • 2023 Budget Adoption
      1. 2023 Budget (motion)
      2. Resolution to Adopt Tax Rate (motion)
    • Cash Rent Farm Lease (motion)
    • 2022 Fuel Budgeting Program Resolution (motion)
    • 2022 GO Bond Update
    • Facility Update
      1. SAC Boiler Replacement (motion)
    • Accounts Payable 1 2 3 and Payroll Claims 1 2 (motion)
  6. New Business
    • Personnel report: (motion)
      1. Separations from Service
      2. Recommendations
      3. Conference Requests/Reports
  7. Adjourn