Meeting Notice: Carmel Common Council 10/17/2022

Meeting Agenda
Monday, Oct. 17, 2022 at 6 p.m.
Council Chambers, City Hall, One Civic Square

  1. Call to Order
  2. Agenda Approval
  3. Invocation
  4. Pledge of Allegiance
  5. Recognition of City Employees and Outstanding Citizens
    1. Proclamation Celebrating Hindu American Awareness and Appreciation Month
  6. Recognition of Persons Who Wish to Address the Council
  7. Council and Mayoral Comments/Observations
  8. Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Minutes
      1. October 3, 2022 Regular Meeting
    1. Claims
      1. General Claims $1,848,829.06
      1. Wire Transfers $2,482,480.51
  9. Action on Mayoral Vetoes
  10. Committee Reports
    1. Finance, Utilities and Rules Committee
    1. Land Use and Special Studies Committee
    1. All reports designated by the Chair to qualify for placement under this category.
  11. Other Reports – (at the first meeting of the month specified below):
    1. Carmel Redevelopment Commission (Monthly)
    1. Carmel Historic Preservation Commission (Quarterly – January, April, July and October)
    1. Audit Committee (Bi-annual – May, October)
    1. d. Redevelopment Authority (Bi-annual – April, October)
    1. Carmel Cable and Telecommunications Commission (Bi-annual – April, October)
    1. Economic Development Commission (Bi-annual – February, August)
    1. Library Board (Annual – February)
    1. Ethics Board (Annual – February)
    1. Public Art Committee (Annual – August)
    1. Parks Department (Quarterly – February, May, August, November)
    1. All reports designated by the Chair to qualify for placement under this category.
  12. Old Business
    1. Resolution CC-09-19-22-02: A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Amending Resolution CC-12-21-20-04; Sponsor(s): Councilor(s) Aasen, Campbell, Finkam, Rider, and Worrell. Remains in the Finance, Utilities and Rules Committee.
      1. Synopsis: Resolution amends prior Council Resolution approving 2021 Redevelopment DistrictBonds to add certain Palladium projects to the eligible project list.
    1. Second Reading of Ordinance D-2639-22: An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Establishing the Appropriations for the 2023 Budget; Sponsor(s): Councilor(s) Rider and Aasen. Introduced and held over until the next meeting.
      1. Synopsis: Establishes 2023 appropriations for the City of Carmel.
  13. Public Hearings
    1. First Reading of Ordinance Z-677-22: An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Rezoning 4 parcels located along 1st Avenue SE to the C2/Mixed Use District; Sponsor: Councilor Rider.
      1. Synopsis: This ordinance rezones 4 parcels located along the west side of 1st Avenue SE, between 1st Street SE and Supply Street to the C2/Mixed Use District for the purpose of facilitating redevelopment.
  14. 14. New Business
    1. Resolution CC-10-17-22-02: A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, to Petition the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance to Adjust the Levy Limit of the City for Budget Year 2023; Sponsor: Councilor Worrell.
      1. Synopsis: The resolution would authorize petitions to the Department of Local Government Finance to adjust the City’s 2023 property tax levy by up to $1,800,000. The basis of the adjustment would recovery of a property tax shortfall.
    1. Resolution CC-10-17-22-03: A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Adopting Guidelines for Common Council Legislative Redistricting; Sponsor: Councilor Worrell.
      1. Synopsis: Resolution adopts the procedures and guidelines that will be used to redistrict the City’s legislative body districts.
    1. Resolution CC-10-17-22-01: A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Approving the 2023 Fee Schedule for Brookshire Golf Course; Sponsor(s): Councilor(s) Rider, Aasen and Finkam.
      1. Synopsis: This resolution approves the 2023 fee schedule for Brookshire Golf Course as submitted by the Brookshire General Manager.
    1. First Reading of Ordinance D-2645-22: An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Amending Section 8-48 of the Carmel City Code; Sponsor: Councilor Finkam.
      1. Synopsis: Establishes a 3-hour parking zone on a portion of Community Drive.
  15. Agenda Add-On Items
  16. Other Business
    1. City Council Appointments
      1. Carmel Audit Committee (Term Expires 1/1/24, two-year term); One appointment.
    1. Approving Mayoral Appointments for the Carmel Historic Preservation Commission
      1. Nick Davis (exp 12/31/23)
      1. Nick Kestner (exp 12/31/24)
      1. Rosemary Dunkle (exp 12/31/23)
      1. William Sanders, Jr. (exp 12/31/24)
      1. Miles Nelson (exp 12/31/2022)
      1. Fred Swift (exp 12/31/22)
      1. Jeff Lawhead (exp 12/31/2024)
  17. Announcements
  18. Adjournment