Reader Takes Issue with Howey

Dear Editor,

In reply to Brian Howey’s article, “Many Hoosier Republicans Are Refusing to Debate,” I have pondered why the Republicans are backing away and bowing out from attending. Most likely it is the abortion issue, being forced to admit the 2020 election was rigged (which it was in my opinion), any association with President Trump as we have a lot of Trump Haters out there (including Mr. Howey in my opinion), believing in God, prayer, Pro-Life, and the bible which shows a moral way of life and supporting the American Constitution.

On the other hand, the Democrats who won’t admit to the national state of affairs of high gas and grocery prices, inflation, increases in crime, supporting  “defunding the police,” the pullout of the Afghanistan failure, the open borders where harmful drugs are being brought in from the millions of illegal aliens killing Americans esp. our youth, and our despicable Biden who threatened a large percentage of Americans who support MAGA which means “Make America Great Again” as “terrorists.”

These debates could become a shouting match, pointing fingers at each other over the current concerns such as pornography books in our school and public libraries, CRT – Critical Race Theory which is a divisive issue, DEI – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, (America was doing better with this until the Obamas arrived and upset the apple cart), and SEL – Social Emotional Learning where I have read students were ostracized for living in a normal functioning family. And I will add the “Transgender” significance in our society where innocent children as young as 4 and 5 are being asked “what sex do you identify”? I have placed myself in that age group when I was that age and I would look at the person who asked it with a “deer in the headlights” look. These children have no idea what they are being asked and it does not stop there from the inquiring adult. The manipulation begins and continues until you have a confused child who submits to believing the lie and told not to tell their parents.

This election is contentious because of the aforementioned issues and our very divided American citizenry whether it is local or national. The Republicans may be avoiding the debate because of these divisive issues but the Democrats have and are pushing their un-American agenda upon the American people who don’t want our “capitalistic” system to change because it works. (Green New Deal is destroying our country)

The League of Women Voters have always offered candidate forums but this time they did not allow the attending citizenry to ask the questions which was a disappointment. The questions were pre-set which can set the mood and control of questions in a certain way.

Hopefully the candidates will provide answers on what they support when asked by local periodicals and or Vote411 being offered by the League.

This election is very disputative but very important. Please vote your choice.

Mari Briggs