Central Indiana Businesses ‘Adopt’ and Shop for 800 Kids Enrolled in Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Program

The Salvation Army is helping 5,000 local children in need receive special gifts this Christmas through its Angel Tree program; however, it takes great support from the community to fulfill all the wishes of these “Angels.”

Thanks to the philanthropic efforts of two local companies, the nonprofit is 800 Angels closer to making thousands of Christmas dreams come true.

This Wednesday marks the first of five employee excursions coordinated by the leadership teams of Indianapolis-based packaging company MAVPAK and Fishers-based software company Flexware Innovation.

These shopping trips serve a special purpose: to scour store shelves and find the specific wants and needs of 800 local children enrolled in The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program. MAVPAK has committed to adopting 500 of these Angels and Flexware Innovation has raised funds to adopt another 300 Angels.

Shopping days and locations are as scheduled:

  • Nov. 9, 4-7 p.m. – Flexware Innovation / Meijer, 8375 E. 96th St, Indianapolis
  • Nov. 12, 9-11 a.m. – MAVPAK / Walmart, 8300 E. 96th St, Indianapolis
  • Nov. 15, 8:30-10:30 a.m. – MAVPAK / Walmart, 3221 W. 86th St, Indianapolis
  • Nov. 16, 8:30-10:30 a.m. – MAVPAK / Walmart, 3221 W. 86th St, Indianapolis
  • Nov. 16, 4-7 p.m. – Flexware Innovation / Meijer, 8375 E. 96th St, Indianapolis

MAVPAK is the title sponsor of Angel Tree this year, a role that reflects its increased support of the program over the past several years. The company recently produced a video to encourage other businesses to step up and support Angel Tree and the families who depend on The Salvation Army to put gifts under the Christmas tree. The video, which can be viewed on YouTube at youtube.com/watch?v=jOYKSEsp5a8 or by visiting SalvationArmyIndiana.org/AngelTree, has helped to inspire dozens of organizations to join in this mission.

“MAVPAK exists to serve customers, love people, and expand the kingdom,” shared company founder and president, John Goo. “Partnering with Angel Tree allows up to do all three at once!”

At Flexware Innovation it was longtime employee Evan Foote who found a creative way to support the Angel Tree program, getting his company involved with a fun way to give back. Using his secret apple pie recipe and a small army of helpers, Evan has baked and sold over 1,600 pies to fund the adoption of 1,036 Angels over the past few years, including 300 Angels in 2022.

“Kids don’t pick the circumstances they’re born into or live in,” explained Evan, “and I can’t fathom the disappointment or despair that Santa skipped my house would’ve brought me. The Salvation Army Angel Tree program provides a unique opportunity to make sure that doesn’t happen for many kids in Indianapolis.

“I’ve been blessed by a generous employer [Flexware Innovation] that fully supports this mission, as well as incredibly generous support from family, friends, co-workers, and customers,” he continued.

The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree gifts will be distributed to families the week of Dec. 12 at the Eagle Creek and Fountain Square corps community centers. An additional warehouse space has been donated by MAVPAK to assist with this process.

Volunteers are still needed for help with sorting and processing of the gifts and distribution to the families. For more information about volunteer opportunities associated with Angel Tree, visit SalvationArmyIndiana.org/AngelTree and click on “Sign Up to Volunteer.”