Daily Almanac: Nov. 9, 2022


RISE: 7:22 a.m.
SET: 5:32 p.m.

High/Low Temperatures:

HIGH: 64 °F
LOW: 43 °F

Today is…:

• Carl Sagan Day
• National Chaos Never Dies Day
• World Freedom Day

What Happened On This Day:

1620 Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower sight land at Cape Cod, Massachusetts
1923 In Munich, police and government troops crush the Nazi Beer Hall Putsch
1938 Kristallnacht, the 1938 national pogrom instigated by the Nazis

Births On This Day:

1918 Spiro Agnew
39th Vice President of the U.S.
1934 Carl Sagan
American astronomer and author

Deaths On This Day:

1940 Neville Chamberlain
English politician and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
1970 Charles de Gaulle
French general, politician and President of France