Patrick Tamm Announces Run for Westfield City Council

Patrick Tamm

Patrick Tamm has announced his campaign for Westfield City Council, District 4. Tamm will run as a Republican in the May 2023 Primary.

“I have a track record of bringing solutions to the table. I’m passionate about how local government makes a direct impact on the community we live in … and I’m ready to lead with a collaborative and strategic approach,” said Tamm.

Tamm will focus on growing a strong quality of life in Westfield that includes building upon what Westfield already has in place. “Residents should be proud of where they live, and we need to further define how we make Westfield a desirable destination while still keeping the heart of Westfield intact,” he said.

Also included in Tamm’s vision is creating a more diversified tax base to lower taxes for residents. He intends to lead with a common sense approach on the council by being transparent and team-oriented.

Tamm’s dedication to making a difference at the local level started in 1995 when he interned for the Republican State Committee. He then went on to work for former Mayor Steve Goldsmith, David McIntosh and former Governor Mitch Daniels.

Tamm brought the business and political experience he gained over the years and began a successful career as a governmental affairs professional. More than nine years ago, Tamm started Tamm Capital Group, an association management and governmental affairs firm.

Tamm’s firm focuses on nonprofits, trade associations and Fortune 500 companies with an attention on hospitality, tourism, employment, local government, and regulated industries, Tamm played a critical role in representing the hospitality and youth sports industries during 2020 in the face of COVID-19’s tumultuous impact. He spearheaded the efforts on their behalf to get the hospitality industry back open and youth sports playing again.

Through his strong relationships and experience, Tamm was able to work with local, state and federal leaders, restaurant and hotel owners and Indiana residents to prepare everyone for a post COVID-19 reality.

Tamm has volunteered and served on boards over the years with several meaningful organizations in Central Indiana. Tamm was a board member for Westfield Centennial’s HOA, is a previous Immigrant Welcome Center Board member, and has coached numerous youth sports teams. He has also been a Republican State delegate and has attended several Republican National National Conventions, and once as alternate delegate.

Tamm and his three children enjoy dining in Westfield and taking advantage of the outdoor amenities in the city.