Reimagine Pleasant Street Project Officially Kicks Off

Noblesville and Hamilton County officials broke ground on the transformative Reimagine Pleasant Street project on Monday. When complete, Pleasant Street will enhance mobility through Noblesville and increase trail connectivity to create a safe, vibrant corridor for residents to drive, walk or bike to downtown Noblesville.

These upgrades will provide a critical east-west connection for travelers, making it easier to travel across town.

(Photo courtesy of American Structurepoint)
Noblesville Mayor Chris Jensen speaks at Tuesday’s groundbreaking at 17330 River Rd. The new project will help complete the connection between downtown Noblesville and new expansions east of SR-37.

“This project has been more than 37 years in the making, and it’s exciting to see it finally begin,” Mayor Chris Jensen said.

“Reimagine Pleasant Street is my administration’s top priority, and we are excited for the opportunities it will provide to Noblesville and Hamilton County residents.”

In addition to road and trail upgrades, the project includes a new bridge over the White River to alleviate traffic along SR 32. In conjunction with local artists, the bridge will feature elements that will reflect the history and aesthetics of Noblesville and Hamilton County.

The project also includes historical wayfinding signage to highlight notable people and events from Noblesville’s unique past.

“All of us are committed to seeing this transformational project come to life,” Hamilton County Commissioner Steve Dillinger said.

“These improvements will allow us to be forward-thinking and proactive when it comes to our infrastructure, growth, and development.”

Representatives from American Structurepoint, Beaty Construction, CHA Consulting, and USI Consultants were in attendance. American Structurepoint is managing the design of Pleasant Street. Beaty Construction is managing the construction of Pleasant Street. CHA and USI will lead the construction inspection of the project.

Reimagine Pleasant Street isn’t just a road project – it’s a strategic community development of Noblesville to support the future. A new bridge, an aesthetically pleasing boulevard, and improved trail connections are all part of the project.

The critical first phase, which includes the construction of a new White River Bridge, will be open to traffic by the end of 2024. Phases II and III are anticipated to begin in Winter 2023, and the entire project will be complete by the end of 2025.