Meeting Notes: Noblesville Common Council 12/20/2022

Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2022 at 7 p.m.
Council Chamber, City Hall

5:30 p.m., Executive Session, Room A213 – Pursuant to IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)(4)(I), Interviews and negotiations with industrial or commercial prospects or agents of industrial or commercial prospects by a governing body of a political subdivision.

6:30 p.m., Executive Session, Room A213 – Pursuant to IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)(2)(D)(iv), For discussion of strategy with respect to a real property transaction, including a transfer.

  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Roll Call
  4. Approval of minutes: Dec. 6, 2022 – Retreat
  5. Approval of minutes: Dec. 6, 2022
  6. Approval of Agenda
  7. Petitions or Comments by Citizens Who Are Present
  8. Council Committee Reports
  9. Approval of Claims
  10. Previously Discussed Ordinances
    • #74-12-22 Council to consider Ordinance #74-12-22, an ordinance approving an Additional Appropriation in the Parking Meter Fund to provide additional funding for costs of parking management services engaged after the Annual Budget was adopted (Ian Zelgowski).
      • Public Hearing for Ordinance #74-12-22
    • #75-12-22 Council to consider Ordinance #75-12-22, an ordinance approving an Additional Appropriation in the Cumulative Capital Development Fund to authorize the expenditure of insurance proceeds deposited into The Fund (Ian Zelgowski).
      • Public Hearing for Ordinance #75-12-22
    • #76-12-22 Council to consider Ordinance #76-12-22, an ordinance approving an Additional Appropriation in the Parks Program Fund to authorize the expenditure of additional revenue collected due to growth in the City’s golf operations which has generated more costs (Ian Zelgowski).
      • Public Hearing for Ordinance #76-12-22
    • #78-12-22 Council to consider Ordinance #78-12-22, an ordinance adopting a Change of Zoning from R1 Single-Family Residential and PB Planned Business to R5 Multi-Family Residential and PB Planned Business for approximately 34 acres south of State Road 32 (Westfield Road) and east of Hazel Dell Road (Joyceann Yelton, Attorney Steve Hardin).
  11. New Ordinance for Discussion
    • #63-10-22A Council to consider Ordinance #63-10-22A, an ordinance amending Ordinance #63-10-22, the 2023 Salary Ordinance for Appointed Officials and Employees for The City of Noblesville (Matt Light)
  12. Miscellaneous
    • Council to receive a Summary of Fiscally Neutral Fourth Quarter Appropriation Transfers pursuant to Resolution RC-1-22, Section 1 (Jeffrey Spalding)
    • Council to receive a Summary of Appropriation of Fourth Quarter Grant Proceeds pursuant to Resolution RC-2-22 (Jeffrey Spalding)
    • Council to consider Resolution RC-56-22, a resolution approving an Economic Development Agreement with Patch WBP Lot 3 LLC (Chuck Haberman)
    • Council to consider Resolution RC-57-22, a resolution approving Real Property Tax Abatements for Patch WBP Lot 3 LLC (Chuck Haberman)
    • Council to consider Resolution RC-58-22, a resolution concerning Acquisition of Real Property (Matt Light)
    • Council to Consider 2023 Appointments (Evelyn Lees)
  13. Transfer
    • Council to consider Transfer TA-21-22, an Appropriation Transfer in the Local Road and Street Fund to cover the cost for an equipment purchase disrupted by delays and price increases that invalidated the original funding source (Ian Zelgowski)
  14. Council Comments
  15. Adjournment