Meeting Notes: Noblesville School Board 12/20/2022

Meeting Agenda
Educational Services Center Board Room, 18025 River Road Noblesville
Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2022 at 7 p.m.

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Moment of Silence
  4. Minutes
    • Approval of the minutes of the minutes of the Nov. 15, 2022 regular School Board meeting
  5. Recognitions
    • 2022 Holiday Card Artwork Selection
    • Girls Soccer / NHS
    • Boys Soccer / NHS
    • Girls Cross Country / NHS
    • Cheerleading / NHS
    • Boys Cross Country / NHS
    • Volleyball / NHS
    • Football / NHS
    • Girls Golf / NHS
    • Boys Tennis / NHS
    • Hare Teacher Spotlight / HD
  6. Reports
    • Building Spotlight / Hazel Dell Elementary School
      • Karen Carter, Principal
    • ESSER Plan December 2022
      • Dr. Jen Townsend, Ex. Director of Learning
  7. Public Comment
    • The board provides an opportunity for members of the public to address the board pursuant to Policy 0167.3 Public Participation at Board Meeting
  8. Consent
    • Claims
    • Donations
    • Overnight Trips
    • Personnel
  9. Action
    • By individual motions, the board approves/adopts the following items or actions which reflect application of Board Policy and Indiana Code
      • 2023 Elementary Summer Programming
      • 2023 Middle School Summer Programming
      • 2023 High School Summer Programming
      • NHS Course Additions and Course Title Changes
      • Transfer of Appropriations
      • Resolution Establishing Supplemental Payment for Teachers for Class Coverage
      • J. Everett Light (JEL) Career Center Memorandum of Understanding
      • Technology Equipment Network Infrastructure Upgrades / NHS, NEMS, NWMS
      • Bids / NWMS Cafeteria Expansion
      • Bids / NHS Athletic Addition
      • Policy Adoption
  10. Committee Reports
  11. Adjournment