Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office Prayer Breakfast

April 26th is 2nd annual Chaplaincy Prayer Breakfast and sign-up links below. This year is the 30th anniversary for the Chaplaincy. On July 6th, 1993, Reverend Tom Burton was commissioned as a volunteer chaplain for HCSO by Sheriff Daniel Stevens. Chaplain Burton was assigned the task of organizing, recruiting, training, and implementing the program.

Hamilton County Sheriff’s Chaplaincy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-denominational faith-based organization serving public safety personnel, those who work or reside in public safety facilities, those housed in the jail facility, as well as all residents of Hamilton County.

Their mission is to serve as a supportive group of qualified ministers and counselors, assisting in matters of personal, marriage, job, spiritual as needed, and to be available to assist during times of emergency.

**Guest Speaker TBA**


Individual ($35.00 per person) https://square.link/u/Biy6k9dW

Table ($300.00 per table of 10 people) https://square.link/u/BLGiQJtq See less