North Adams Homemakers Club Visits The Sheridan Museum

Photo courtesy of Homemakers North Adams Club
Hamilton County Extension Homemakers North Adams Club. Seated (L to R): Marilyn Adams, Martha Durham, Betty Ayers, and Carolyn Rawlings. Standing: Anita Billingsley, Peggy Johnson, Leah Raines, Sandy Parks, Gayle Newton, Kathy Moore, Judy Langdon, and Phyllis Martino.

Every county in Indiana has a Purdue Extension office, and one of the mandates of the Extension offices is that of encouraging the formation and life of clubs for the homemakers in each county. Clubs are encouraged to meet monthly and provide educational programs, promote community service projects, and provide a platform for social interaction among members.

Here in Hamilton County, the Purdue Extension Service is headed by Susan Peterson, and the homemakers clubs work primarily with Bernie Huber. Adams Township is blessed to be the home of the North Adams Club and this past Friday they met at the Sheridan Historical Society Museum. The guest speaker for this particular meeting was none other than the ever-popular Dr. David Mundy, the Superintendent of the Sheridan Community School Corporation.

Founded on the passage of the national Smith-Lever Act in 1914, nation-wide extension services were created to in each county to provide education to individuals and communities via portals like local clubs and, of course, through 4-H participation. In Indiana, Extension Services bring university information to the local level – both in person and online – to help people strengthen relationships, eat smart, improve health, and achieve financial wellness. The local North Adams Club was founded in 1938 and is part and parcel of that original effort as set forth in the Smith-Lever Act. It is a tribute to the strong support of the Hamilton County Extension.

Service and the strong perseverance of spirit from the local members still fulfills its original mandate.

The Sheridan Historical Society was pleased to welcome the North Adams Club to the Museum for their meeting. The Museum has space for meetings, including limited kitchen space, and we welcome groups who need a location for a meeting. If you would like further information about our facility, please call us at 317-758-5054, or come by the Museum and talk with us. We are located at 315 South Main Street in beautiful uptown Sheridan, just on the country side of Hamilton County, Indiana. We are open on Tuesday and Friday afternoons from 1 to 4 pm, and on the 2nd and 4th Saturday afternoons of each month from 1 to 4 pm.