Cities Must Help Protect Our Planet

Carmel is taking many actions to promote sustainability.

Earth Day is coming up on April 22, but caring for our natural environment and the health of our planet shouldn’t just be top of mind on one day a year. All year long, we must all do our part to protect the Earth.

Caring about the environment is not a Republican or Democrat issue. We all want to breathe clean air and drink clean water. Our planet should be a concern to all of us.

Across the country, mayors and city councils are at the forefront when it comes to promoting sustainability and positive environmental policies.

The City of Carmel was recognized by EPA for being the first municipality in the state to pass a climate resiliency and recovery resolution. The city has also been recognized as a “Green Community” by the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns and has been presented numerous awards and grants from various natural resource organizations in regards to our Urban Forestry initiatives.

As a member of the City Council, I voted to pass our city’s climate change action plan and create a subsequent commission to ensure the recommendations are put into place.

But we must remain vigilant. Here are some things Carmel should continue to do to be environmentally friendly:

  • Promote walkability with bike paths, sidewalks, crosswalks and more. When people walk or ride their bike instead of driving a car, it helps reduce carbon emissions.
  • Continue to replace traditional intersections with roundabouts. Since cars don’t stop and idle, roundabouts help reduce carbon emissions.
  • Protect greenspaces and trees. During rezone or development processes, we can insist that trees are preserved or replanted which helps create a lush, green atmosphere while helping absorb carbon dioxide.
  • Encourage and incentivize green construction for new buildings.
  • Push for more solar panels for city properties and new mixed use developments.
  • Support change out of city vehicles with electric vehicles as the fleet ages out.
  • Allow for electric charging stations in city garages and parking lots.
  • Reduce paper waste by encouraging e-sign and electronic paper packets for boards and commissions.
  • Continue to monitor light pollution created by commercial buildings. Push for energy efficient LED lighting.
  • Push for more outdoor recycling receptacles around the city.

Again, most of these suggestions we are already doing or plan to do, but it’s important to let people know that Carmel cares about our environment. We have been recognized and awarded for our environmental consciousness and we must continue to remain vigilant.