
What makes Sarah Osterhout smile? “A lot of things, mostly being around kids, getting portraits with them. I babysit in my free time. Animals make me smile. Being around friends, being around family, being around people, helping out,” said the then 18-year-old Noblesville resident, who graduated in 2022 from Noblesville High School. The former NHS AP Photography student was found taking photos at the 2022 Noblesville High School Alumni Banquet at NHS. “I enjoyed doing the banquet tonight,” said Osterhout, who happened to be the “youngest” in attendance at the alumni banquet and received an engraved Noblesville High School Alumni Association key chain as her prize. Plans for photography in her future? “Photography is more of a hobby of mine.” After high school? She planned to earn her associate’s degree and determine at that time what she wanted to do. After graduation, she planned to go to Florida, to help her sisters with their young children. The daughter of Tim and Jennifer Osterhout, she is one of five siblings, two brothers and two sisters. In high school? She took AP Photography, Bible Literature class and Ceramics art class and did Cadets with Noblesville Police Department, peer tutoring in art class and helped deliver passes in Student Services. She loves to sing, “in the car or the shower, but I can’t sing in front of an audience,” she said. Read a preview of the 2023 NHS Alumni Banquet, and see some of Sarah’s photos, in the Betsy Reason column in today’s edition of The Times.