Getting The Most Out Of A Weekend Reset Routine

By Lindsay Rosa

Now that the warmer weather is here to stay awhile, what better way to enjoy it than to enjoy the summertime traditions that also help you prep for the week ahead? I’ve noticed that summertime can be a slower time of year free of holiday prep or hectic back to school shopping. It’s a time when you can really enjoy the moment and put into practice some helpful reset practices you can use all year long to help with the stress that comes along with a busy work week.

First stop, a visit to your local farmers’ market. Not only will having fresh local produce in your dishes be extra savory this summer, you can try batch cooking on the weekends for those lunches and busy work days ahead. You can take your time to really enjoy those summer nights outside with loved ones and enjoy an easier cleanup afterwards. To start, you could make a quick breakfast quiche, speedy vegetable pasta salad for lunch, peanut butter and strawberry sandwiches for little ones. Try finishing up with a simple bowl of salad with heirloom tomatoes and fresh cut fruit. These are great to prepare on Sunday before summer day camps and lunchtime Zoom calls. For on-the-go snacks during the week, oatmeal monster energy balls are a quick, portable, and healthy way to keep hunger away during errand trips around town and can be assembled in a matter of minutes.

Having appropriate storage is key to keep in mind too for planning meals for the week ahead. I suggest clear glass storage containers that can be sealed for transport and are easily washed after use. Re-using plastic containers can also be great for fresh fruit cups and couscous salad for lunches while remaining sustainable. Keeping the recipes to be both seasonally-appropriate and simple to prepare will allow you to get all of your family involved in the week’s meal preparation. Reheating the meals in the oven will help you also save valuable pennies as the prices of groceries continue to remain higher than we would like. While food is cooking in the oven, it’s a great time to do a quick vacuum, wipe down of countertops, and quick tidy of your living space.

Next stop, Sunday self-care. With your meals all prepped in the fridge, Sunday is a great day of rest and an excellent day to treat everyone in your family to some well-deserved pampering, reading, park time, and relaxation. New toothbrushes, fresh bars of soap from the farmers’ market, and some SPF skin care are simple ways to make sure everyone in your family is all set to enjoy summer and stay away from sunburns. I like to add essential oil drops to the shower for added therapeutic benefits. While everyone is freshening up, it’s a great time to finish up drying laundry and starting the dishes in the dishwasher from your meal prep. Turning on some soothing music can also help you unwind too.

Sunday night is a great way to relax and play relaxing board games or puzzles if it’s raining or you can enjoy a family walk to the park in early evening where you all can enjoy the outdoors in cooler weather and recharge mentally while catching a few fireflies. Have a great start to the week!

Noblesville Farmers Market

Carmel Farmers Market

Fishers Farmers Market

– Noblesville native and college writing instructor Lindsay Rosa is back writing for the Times on all things design and lifestyle. As your personal style guide, Lindsay will bring her fashion writing expertise to you each month. When she’s not writing, you can find Lindsay on her bicycle, gardening, baking, volunteering with local museums, and writing her legal book series for children.