Why Allow Books That Sexualize Children?

Dear Editor,

I read with interest the Letter to the Editor submitted by Bill Smythe about the “embarrassment” of the Fishers library scenario of the verboten youth books within its shelves. Smythe made the statement that Pastor Micah Beckwith “might go full “anti-woke” and this incident has brought the Fishers Library into the state and national news. This is a good occurrence. This action shows there are persons who care about morality and decency which has become a rarity in our society today.

Smythe has a problem with other people’s stance on an issue that does not correspond with him and others and wants two board members released from their assigned task – just because they believe differently.

People have expressed they do not want other parents telling parents what books their children can read. This has been stated several times by a number of writer. My question to these writers is: why would you want your children to have access to and read books that try to sexualize children?

Mari Briggs
