Antler Alert In Indiana – State Farm Reports Indiana Moves Up to 14th in Nation for Animal Collision Claims

It’s Fall and that means it’s prime season for animal collisions for drivers. According to the newest State Farm data, most animal-related crashes in the U.S. occur from October to December. While most collisions are with deer, many other animals followed closely behind such as dogs, raccoons, farm animals, and even large rodents.

For State Farm, Indiana drivers rank 14th in the nation for the number of animal collisions claims, including deer, dogs, and farm animals. Indiana drivers have a 1 in 96 chance of colliding with an animal while driving.

Compared to the previous 12-months, State Farm reported an increase of 4.6% in Indiana animal collision claims. From July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022, State Farm alone paid out for 9,671 auto claims with animals in Indiana. That is an increase compared to the 9,245 auto claims for animal collisions from July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2021.

Nationally, the insurance industry paid for an estimated 1.9 million animal collisions over the past 12 months (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022). That is a 5.5% decrease compared to the previous 12-month period (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021). According to the State Farm analysis, U.S. drivers have a 1 in 116 chance of having an insurance claim involving a collision with an animal.

The state with the most auto animal collision claims was Pennsylvania, with 155,000 insurance claims and a likelihood of 1 out of 58 for licensed drivers to hit an animal while being behind the wheel.

The state where drivers have the highest likelihood of hitting an animal is West Virginia, with a probability of 1 in 35.

The calculation of these industry estimates take in to account the number of claims received by State Farm (industry leader), the company’s market penetration (proprietary), and the number of licensed drivers in each state.

The months drivers are most likely to collide with an animal in the U.S. are, in this order:

  • November
  • October
  • December

Top 10 States for State Farm Animal Collision claims

  • Pennsylvania – 28,227 claims
  • Michigan –21,891 claims
  • Georgia –18,869 claims
  • Illinois –17,729 claims
  • Texas –17,462 claims
  • Ohio – 15,824 claims
  • Virginia –13,787 claims
  • Minnesota –13,108 claims
  • Missouri –12,375 claims
  • South Carolina – 12,131 claims        

Animal Collision Safety Tips

  • Animals are unpredictable, especially when faced with glaring headlights, blowing horns and fast-moving vehicles. They often dart into traffic.
  • Know your insurance coverage. Before a collision occurs, make sure you’re protected with the right type of insurance. Damages from auto-animal crashes typically are covered under comprehensive insurance, not collision.
  • Slow down.  Reduce your vehicle’s speed and maintain a constant lookout for animals. Travel at a speed that will allow you to stop in time if an animal comes into the beam cast by your headlights
  • Use extra caution and slow-down in known animal crossing zones.
  • Dusk to dawn are high-risk times; use high beams when appropriate.
  • Scan the road and avoid swerving when you see an animal. Brake firmly when you notice an animal in or near your path, but stay in your lane. Many serious crashes occur when drivers swerve to avoid a deer and hit another vehicle or lose control of their cars.
  • Always wear your seatbelt. Safety belts saved an estimated 114,955 lives in 2017.
  • Turn on high beams at night. When driving at night, use high beam headlights when there is no oncoming traffic. The high beams will better illuminate the eyes of any deer on or near the roadway. If you encounter a deer or other animal, switch your headlights to low beam so the animals are not blinded and will move out of your way.

After-crash tips

  • Move your vehicle to a safe place: Pull to the side of the road and turn on your hazard lights.
  • Call police: If an animal is blocking traffic and could be create a threat for other drivers.
  • Document: Take photographs of the road, your surroundings and damage.
  • Stay away from the animal: A frightened, wounded animal could use its legs and hooves to harm you. Do not attempt to move an animal.
  • Don’t assume your vehicle is safe to drive: Look for leaking fluid, loose parts, tire damage, broken lights and other hazard.
  • Contact your insurance company: Quickly file your insurance claim