Reader Endorses Chuck Haberman for School Board

Dear Editor,

I would like to offer my endorsement of Chuck Haberman for Noblesville School Board. I have had the opportunity to know Chuck while serving on the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. Chuck’s personal character qualities are apparent upon first meeting. Chuck is a leader! Chuck is also smart, passionate, caring, approachable and committed. I am always impressed by Chuck’s pragmatic insights for meeting challenges.

I believe Chuck has the right ideas for continuing to improve the educational opportunities and outcomes for every Noblesville student. Balancing the needs of our schools and students with the financial resources to pay for services is a critical task for our school board. As a taxpayer, I am comforted to know that Chuck’s excellent financial acumen will result in a continuation of the good financial stewardship we have come to expect from our school board leaders. Chuck fully understands the need to prepare students with the hard skills and the soft skills required for success in a competitive world. I have no doubt Noblesville Schools’ stakeholders will find Chuck’s contributions very valuable when it comes to shaping the educational pathways for the next generations of well-rounded young adults about to take their places in the workforce and in our communities.

I encourage you to also vote for Chuck Haberman on Nov. 8!

Bryan Glover