Daily Almanac: Oct. 15, 2022


RISE: 7:54 a.m.
SET: 7:04 p.m.

High/Low Temperatures:

HIGH: 61 °F
LOW: 42 °F

Today is…

• ‘I Love Lucy’ Day
• Breast Health Day
• National Mushroom Day

What Happened On This Day:

1951 I Love Lucy Airs for the First Time
1966 The Black Panther Party is created by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale
• 1989 Wayne Gretzky becomes the all-time leading points scorer in the NHL

Births On This Day:

• 1844 Friedrich Nietzsche
German philosopher
1926 Michel Foucault
French philosopher

Deaths On This Day:

1793 John Hancock
merican politician and 1st Governor of Massachusetts
1869 Franklin Pierce
14th President of the United States