Indiana Department of Education Continues Work to Prioritize Academic Standards Around Key Skills and Traits

On Wednesday, the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) provided an update to the Indiana State Board of Education on its ongoing, statutorily-required work to update Indiana Academic Standards to align with the key skills and traits necessary for students to be successful after high school graduation.

“From one grade to the next, it’s important that our students are building the essential knowledge and skills they need to set the foundation for lifelong success,” said Dr. Katie Jenner, Indiana Secretary of Education.

“Following legislation passed earlier this year, we have been working with a broad range of stakeholders statewide to streamline Indiana’s Academic Standards to focus on the essential knowledge and skills while promoting a rigorous learning environment. With this prioritization of our state’s standards, educators will be able to remain laser-focused on the knowledge and skills that matter most for students’ success.”

Following the enactment of House Enrolled Act 1251 earlier this year, IDOE has led a comprehensive research effort to identify the skills and traits needed for students’ lifelong success, including a focus on knowledge and skill development. The results of the independent research analysis align with the skills and traits of the Indiana Graduates Prepared to Succeed characteristics.

As next steps, Indiana will continue to work with educators, families and community members to prioritize key Indiana Academic Standards, with the goal of streamlining Indiana’s standards.

To participate in an Indiana Academic Standards Prioritization Committee, educators can express interest by completing a form at and community members and families can show their interest by completing a form online at