Nick Gomillion Announces Run for Noblesville Council

Nick Gomillion

Sixteen-year resident Nick Gomillion has announced his plans to run for Noblesville Common Council At-Large in 2023.

After serving as VP of his HOA and volunteering at several local non-profits addressing hunger, adolescent support and jobs for veterans, Gomillion decided it was time to get involved in the leadership of the community he loves.

In 2005, he married his best friend and the love of his life, Jessica (Hendricks) of Noblesville. They chose her hometown, with its family-friendly community and easily accessible amenities, to call home. They now have 4 daughters, many neighbors, friends and a church family in this city.

Throughout his time living, working, playing, dining, shopping and worshipping in Noblesville, Gomillion said “the people” have always had the greatest impact in his personal and professional life. “Though I was born and raised in Mississippi, this community welcomed and accepted me as their own,” he said.

“A lot of my ‘firsts’ happened because people in this community supported me and my family; my first job out of college, first outdoor concert, first house, first insurance policy, first child. The ‘thank yous’ are too innumerable for these short sentences but we have truly been blessed because of them.”

At this time of rapid growth for our city he wants to ensure others feel welcome and connected too. “As a people-focused leader my goal is connecting the people of Noblesville with the best quality of life. Ensuring public safety, evolving infrastructure, emphasizing community, and encouraging kindness will be the guiding principles of my service to you,” Gomillion said.

By day, he is a Senior Human Resources professional for a national healthcare company.

In the evenings you can find him driving his daughters around town to ballet, gymnastics, voice and art lessons.

Gomillion earned a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from Millsaps College and an Indiana Educator License through Indiana Wesleyan University for Secondary Education – History. Though his work experience has spanned the banking, education, retail sales and healthcare industries, his career has always been people-focused whether serving customers, students or employees.

Gomillion will be on the Republican primary ballot for Noblesville Common Council At-Large coming this May 2023. For more information join the “Connecting People” campaign at, by email or by phone at (317) 378-9229.