Westfield Lions Celebrating 92 Years of Service

The Westfield Lions Club will be celebrating its 92nd anniversary on Thursday, October 27th at the Friends Church in Westfield. The anniversary meeting will include a meal provided by the Westfield High School Foodies. The Westfield Lions were founded in 1930 with 20 charter members and is the oldest Lions Club in Hamilton County.

Lion President Rodney Benson said, “This is a special night for all our Lions. We get a chance to celebrate the numerous accomplishments of the Club and recognize members who have made significant contributions to the Club and the community”. The Club will presenting Perfect Attendance awards, a Richard T. Miyamoto Fellowship award, a Melvin Jones Fellowship award, and the Roy O. Hadley Lion of the Year award.

During the past year the Westfield Lions have been able to resume their service work in the community and conduct fundraising events to help raise money for the numerous grants and donations they typically make. In particular, the Club has continued to fund several scholarships for Westfield High School seniors, and has made significant donations to the Westfield Education Foundation’s Teacher Grant program, the Westfield Middle School’s Washington, D.C. trip, the Westfield H.S. Foodies program, the Westfield Youth Assistance program, and the Dictionary Project (free Webster Dictionaries for all Westfield 3rd graders).

The Westfield Lions have also been able to make significant donations to Hamilton County’s Third Phase Homeless Shelter, Open Doors Food Pantry, Heart and Soul Free Clinic, Helping Veterans and Families (HVAF), the Lions Clubs International Foundation’s Disaster Assistance Fund, the Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, the Indiana Lions Eye Bank, the Leader Dog Program, and numerous other organizations that work to make peoples’ lives better.

About the Westfield Lions:

The Westfield Lions are a service organization made up of men and women that want to make a difference in our community. If you are interested in learning more about the Westfield Lions or joining the Club, go to www.westfieldlions.org. The Club will be holding an open house on Saturday, November 12th for anyone interested in becoming a member. The open house will be held at the Club’s new clubhouse located at 1031 E. 169th Street from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.