Meeting Notes: Carmel Common Council 12/19/2022

Meeting Agenda
Monday, Dec. 19, 2022 at 6 p.m.
Council Chambers, City Hall, One Civic Square

  1. Call to Order
  2. Agenda Approval
  3. Invocation
  4. Pledge of Allegiance
  5. Recognition of City Employees and Outstanding Citizens
    • Retirement of Building Commissioner Jim Blanchard
    • Swearing-in of new Carmel Police Officer Michael Hatton
  6. Recognition of Persons Who Wish to Address the Council
  7. Council and Mayoral Comments/Observations
  8. Consent Agenda
    • Approval of Minutes
      • Dec. 5, 2022 Regular Meeting
    • Claims
      • Payroll $3,177,675.66 and $3,222,816.72
      • General Claims $4,294,004.31
      • Retirement $102,105.97 (November) and $102,105.97 (December)
      • Wire Transfers $2,075,518.01
  9. Action on Mayoral Vetoes
  10. Committee Reports
    • Finance, Utilities and Rules Committee
    • Land Use and Special Studies Committee
    • All reports designated by the Chair to qualify for placement under this category.
  11. Other Reports (at the first meeting of the month specified below):
    • Carmel Redevelopment Commission (Monthly)
    • Carmel Historic Preservation Commission (Quarterly – January, April, July, October)
    • Audit Committee (Bi-annual – May, October)
    • Redevelopment Authority (Bi-annual – April, October)
    • Carmel Cable and Telecommunications Commission (Bi-annual – April, October)
    • Economic Development Commission (Bi-annual – February, August)
    • Library Board (Annual – February)
    • Ethics Board (Annual – February)
    • Public Art Committee (Annual – August)
    • Parks Department (Quarterly – February, May, August, November)
    • All reports designated by the Chair to qualify for placement under this category.
  12. Old Business
    • Resolution CC-09-19-22-02: A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Amending Resolution CC-12-21-20-04; Sponsor(s): Councilor(s) Aasen, Campbell, Finkam, Rider, and Worrell. Sent to the Finance, Utilities and Rules Committee (12/14/22 Meeting Date).
      • Synopsis: Resolution amends prior Council Resolution approving 2021 Redevelopment District Bonds to add certain Palladium projects to the eligible project list.
    • Third Reading of Ordinance D-2657-22; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Amending Chapter 2, Article 2, Section 25 of the Carmel City Code; Sponsor(s): Councilor(s) Rider, Worrell, Aasen, Finkam, Nelson and Campbell. Sent to the Finance, Utilities and Rules Committee (12/14/22 Meeting Date).
      • Synopsis: Amends the definition of “public art,” and clarifies that only permanent public art acquisitions will be subject to review by the Carmel Public Art Advisory Committee.
  13. Public Hearings
    • First Reading of Ordinance D-2656-22; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Vacating Right-of-Way Located Within the Lot One Redevelopment Project; Sponsor(s): Councilor(s) Rider, Aasen and Worrell.
      • Synopsis: Vacates surplus right-of-way that is needed for the Old Meridian and Main redevelopment project.
  14. New Business
    • Resolution CC-12-19-22-01: A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Authorizing the Cash Defeasance and Retirement of Certain Redevelopment District Bonds, Approving the Form of an Amended and Restated Revenue Deposit Agreement and Authorizing Matters Related Thereto; Sponsor: Councilor Worrell.
      • Synopsis: Resolution approves (1) the payment in full of all outstanding 2013 Redevelopment District Bonds that funded the Illinois Street project, and (2) related amendments to the TIF revenue deposit agreement between the City and the CRC.
    • Resolution CC-12-19-22-02: A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Approving Certain Matters in Connection with the Old Town Economic Development Area (Concourse Allocation Area); Sponsor: Councilor Worrell.
      • Synopsis: Resolution approves (1) a resolution of the Carmel Redevelopment Commission creating a new Concourse Allocation Area within the Old Town Economic Development Area, including an economic development plan supplement, and (2) a related Carmel Plan Commission resolution.
    • Resolution CC-12-19-22-03: A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Approving a Transfer of Funds in the 2022 Department of Redevelopment Budget; Sponsor: Councilor Worrell.
      • Synopsis: Transfers $30,402.00 to cover expenses incurred in various line items within the 2022 Department of Redevelopment Budget.
    • Resolution CC-12-19-22-04: A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Approving a Transfer of Funds Within the 2022 Parks Department Budget; Sponsor: Councilor Worrell.
      • Synopsis: Transfers $200,000.91 within the 2022 Parks Department Budget to cover additional expenses related to the replacement of a culvert on the Monon Greenway.
    • Resolution CC-12-19-22-05: A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Authorizing a Transfer of Funds Within the 2022 Carmel Fire Department Budget; Sponsor(s): Councilor(s) Rider and Worrell.
      • Synopsis: Transfers $509,944.00 between various line items within the 2022 Carmel Fire Department Budget.
    • Resolution CC-12-19-22-06: A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Approving a Transfer of Funds Between the 2022 Department of Community Services Budget and the Non-Reverting Carmel Historic Preservation Fund (#507); Sponsor(s): Councilor(s) Rider, Aasen and Worrell.
      • Synopsis: Transfers funds from the 2022 Department of Community Services Budget into the NonReverting Carmel Historic Preservation Fund (#507).
    • Resolution CC-12-19-22-07: A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Authorizing the Investment of Public Funds Pursuant to IC 5-13-9-5; Sponsor(s): Councilor(s) Rider, Aasen and Worrell.
      • Synopsis: This resolution authorizes the solicitation of quotes for, and investment in, certificates of deposit.
    • First Reading of Ordinance D-2661-22; An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Amending Chapter 2, Article 4, Section 2-146 and Adding Chapter 2, Article 4, Section 2-153 to the Carmel City Code; Sponsor(s): Councilor(s) Rider, Aasen and Worrell.
      • Synopsis: Replaces the LOIT Special Distribution Fund (#257) with the Opioid Settlement Restricted Fund (#257) and establishes the Opioid Settlement Unrestricted Fund (#256).
  15. Agenda Add-On Items
  16. Other Business
    • City Council Appointments
      • Carmel Redevelopment Commission (Terms Expire 12/31/23, one-year terms); Two appointments.
      • Carmel City Center Community Development Corporation (4CDC) (Term Expires 12/31/23, one-year term); One appointment.
      • Carmel Police Department Merit Board (Term Expires 1/1/25, two-year term); One appointment.
      • Carmel Fire Department Merit Board (Term Expires 1/1/25, two-year term); One appointment.
      • Carmel Ethics Board (Republican) (Term Expires 1/1/25, two-year term); One appointment.
      • Carmel Audit Committee (Terms Expire 12/31/23 and 12/31/24, two-year terms); Two appointments.
      • Carmel Advisory Committee on Disability (Terms Expire 12/31/24, two-year terms); Two appointments.
      • Carmel Economic Development Commission (Term Expires 1/31/26, three-year term); One appointment.
    • Election of 2023 Council Positions
  17. Announcements
  18. Adjournment