Dr. Arrowood Explains Snow Days, Looks Forward to Fun Events

The snowstorm “aka snowmaggen” that blew through the Midwest last Wednesday resulted in most schools throughout the state closing their doors due to the dangerous conditions. When we receive reports that severe weather is coming our way, we follow an intricate process to help us make the best decision we can on whether to delay, dismiss early, or close all together. (Read more about our Inclement Weather Delay or Closing Process at Hamilton Heights School Corporation by visiting drive.google.com/file/d/1M3afoZ4lYCI4MM9GxC37sW689BU2nFQq/view)

We carefully review all the information we have prior to making any adjustments to our traditional school day, with the safety of our students and staff as the top priority. When we do make the call to close, we also need to decide whether to utilize a synchronous e-learning day, a flex day, or a make-up day tacked on at the end of the school year. If we do use a synchronous e-learning day please know that it will likely be with some notice because we are aware in advance of a large weather system headed our way.

After a successful pilot run of a synchronous e-learning day in December, we decided to use a synchronous e-learning day last Wednesday that also proved to be a success, despite a few glitches that were addressed and resolved quickly. Our principals shared the day went well overall, with teachers and students prepared and engaged. Having a positive outcome on these e-learning days is a strong testament to the collaboration between our educators, students, and their families. While our preference is always in-person learning, the opportunity to utilize a synchronous e-learning day affords several benefits including the opportunity for students of all ages to practice real world digital literacy, develop 21st-century skills to gain proficiency in collaboration, questioning, problem-solving, and critical thinking, stay on pace with our curriculum maps in anticipation of standardized testing in the Spring, and reduce the number of make-up school days.

This year’s annual Kindergarten Roundup will take place on Wednesday, Feb, 15 from 3-6 p.m. at the elementary school. This is an open house style event. Pre-registration opens on Friday, February 10. Our Kindergarten educators are phenomenal in providing an exceptional blend of engaging, inspiring, and fun learning experiences that are the building blocks of early literacy, socialization, communication skills, independence, and success in school for our littlest Huskies. Visit drive.google.com/file/d/1Ipxd5OgkhUxQ5-kDza2IR5lhh90fE122/view for more information on what you need to do to begin your child’s educational journey at Heights.

Are you ready for a little magic in your life? The community is invited to come experience all the magic of a young woman looking for her one true love, and of a prince only having a shoe to help him find his future wife, in the classic fairy tale, Cinderella. Brooks Myers, our theater director, and the talented students from the middle school and high school will help bring one of her favorite stories to life on stage with three special shows Feb. 17–19. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased online (beginning Feb. 10 at hhschuskies.org) or at the door.

As we celebrate all things love and appreciation this month, let’s make a conscious effort to ensure Heights is a place where relationships are paramount. Where concern, compassion, empathy, respect, dignity, and well-being of all our students, all our staff, and each other, carries the day. Think of the impact this can have in making our school and community a better place to live and learn. #WeAreHuskies

Dr. Derek Arrowood is the Superintendent of the Hamilton Heights School Corporation.