NHS Teen Juggles School, Life, 53+ Shows At B&B

By: Betsy Reason Imagine being a teenager cast in a professional theater production and performing in shows every day of the week. Add in schoolwork, extracurricular activities and family time, along with relying on Mom or Dad to drop you off or pick you up for every performance. Auditioning for a big show, such as…

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My Finger Is Stuck!

By: John Roberts I have seen many patients over the years who presented with problems getting their fingers to move. They all described pain with “catching” or “popping” when trying to flex or extend a finger. They suffered from trigger finger, a condition also known as trigger digit, or by the medical term stenosing tenovaginitis.…

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Some Seriously Fancy New Gloves

By: Carrie Classon My Auntie Jo gave me a beautiful pair of gloves yesterday. They are elegant, with embroidery on the top, and I immediately did what I usually do—I put them away for safekeeping. “I’ll wear these to something special!” I told myself. I have a date to go with my niece to see…

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Senate Lions; House Hyenas

By: Brian A. Howey Last week all seven of Indiana’s congressional Republicans voted for an insurrectionist to become Speaker of the House and second in the presidential line of succession. On Wednesday, they elected U.S. Rep. Mike Johnson, who Rep. Matt Gaetz is calling “MAGA Mike.” U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio was defeated on…

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Restless Leg Syndrome

By: John Roberts Someone told me the other day that they thought “restless leg syndrome” (RLS) was a condition cooked up by pharmaceutical companies to sell medications. You may have seen commercials for Requip® and Mirapex®, both drugs used to treat this condition. People have described symptoms suggestive of restless legs since the 17th Century.…

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Headless Horseman A Bittersweet Tradition

By: Betsy Reason We have attended Conner Prairie’s Headless Horseman Halloween festival every year since I can remember. And we’ve taken our daughter there every year since she could put her mouth to a microphone to sing a Halloween song in Conner Prairie’s former “scari-oke” karaoke. This year was no exception. But this year is…

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Dissing The Discount!

By: Dick Wolfsie Like most of you, I still receive little packets of coupons in the mail. I don’t need my deck painted or my ducts cleaned out, but I am on the lookout for a good restaurant deal. Not because I am cheap…okay that’s part of it, but mainly because for the first time…

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