Noblesville Western Author Celebrating His 30th Year, 20th Published Book, With Signing, Whisky Tasting Thursday

By: Betsy Reason Noblesville author Larry Sweazy is finally getting to celebrate the publication of his most recent milestone: writing and publishing his 20th book. And on Thursday, he will have his first book signing since the pandemic. Sweazy will celebrate his award-winning westerns during the book signing, which will be 6 p.m. to 8…

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Daily Almanac: October 11, 2023

Sunrise/Sunset: RISE: 7:52 a.m.SET: 7:16 p.m. High/Low Temperatures: HIGH: 68 °FLOW: 39 °F Today is…: • Kraken Day• National Fossil Day• emergency Nurses Day What Happened On This Day: • 1984 First American Woman to walk in Space. Kathryn Dwyer Sullivan undertook a 3.5-hour long space walk with fellow astronaut David Leestma while on the…

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Everything You Need To Know About Head Lice

By: John Roberts I’ve heard about a few cases of head lice now that kids are back in school and the weather is cooling down. Head lice are white, and about the size of a sesame seed. They are known as obligate ectoparasites. Obligate means they require a placental mammal like a human host to…

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My Secret When Talking To Dogs

By: Carrie Classon It’s no secret that I love dogs. I love dogs, and I don’t have one right now because, traveling as much as my husband, Peter, and I do, having a dog makes no sense. We know this. We have discussed this. There are times I would like to have a dog so…

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Attorney General Todd Rokita Provides Tips For Small Businesses To Protect Themselves Against Rising Cyber Threats

During Cybersecurity Awareness Month, Attorney General Todd Rokita is alerting small businesses to rising cyber threats and providing tips for them to protect themselves and their customers. “Cybercriminals view small businesses as easy targets and look for any weaknesses they may have in their security systems,” Attorney General Rokita said. “It’s critical for small business…

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Remodeling Your Kitchen With The Earth In Mind

Dear EarthTalk: My kitchen is overdue for an update. I’m wondering what’s the latest, greatest and greenest today in countertop materials, flooring, paint and appliances? Kitchens have traditionally had one of the worst environmental footprints in the home. However, technological advancements have brought more eco-friendly materials and tools for greener kitchens. Choose components wisely and…

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Hamilton County Parks & Recreation Board Meeting

6 p.m. Board Meeting A. Call to Order 6:00pm B. Agenda Amendments C. Public Comments D. Approval of September 18th, 2023 Minutes & Corrected August 21st, 2023 Minutes E. Finance Report 1. Approval Claims/Payroll/Transfers F. Committee Reports G. Foundation Report H. Old Business 1. Project updates 2. Regional Utility District 3. LWCF Grant Funding I.…

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