It is not about luck, it is about gratitude

“It’s not about luck,” my friend Andrew insists, “it’s about gratitude.” Andrew is not some sort of New Age guide, in case you were wondering. He is a slightly curmudgeonly tax preparer and not given to feel-good platitudes. He was refuting what I had said, which was that luck has played a significant role in…

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Passing remarks for those who have passed on

At the end of each year, news stations recount notable people who passed away during the previous 12 months. I’d like to mention a few who meant a great deal to me… Baseball lost a treasure in 2021. In 1974, Henry Aaron slugged career homerun number 715, eclipsing Babe Ruth’s record after 39 years.  Aaron…

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From Tim . . .

To all our wonderful customers, By now you are used to your favorite Hamilton County daily doing things a little bit differently. It’s been a long (and short) 17 years since the little company that could was founded. Of course we never would have survived any of those 17 years if not for you. For…

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From Dr. Arrowood . . .

As I ready for my 9th year as the Superintendent of Hamilton Heights School Corporation, I am as excited to serve in this role today as I was when I was first hired in January of 2014. Each year only seems to get better. For this, I credit, in part, our amazing village. It really…

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From Paula . . .

(This originally appeared in 2020, but is still valid.) Feeling down because Noblesville’s annual Christmas parade was canceled this year due to the pandemic? Don’t worry, I have a solution. I’ve borrowed a time machine so we can go back to December 1, 1962 to see Noblesville’s very first Christmas parade.  I got the contraption…

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From Betsy . . .

Merry Christmas to all of our Times newspaper readers. As a journalist, I’ve been writing about Noblesville for 35 years. And some of the same people who were reading my first feature stories in 1986 in the Noblesville Daily Ledger are still reading my newspaper columns in 2021 in The Times. And I thank you.…

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From Phil . . .

I want to take this opportunity to wish our subscribers, and advertisers, a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Safe and Prosperous New Year of 2022. I, and the other local owners of the Paper of Montgomery County and the Times of Noblesville, very much appreciate your support and hope that you have enjoyed reading…

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From Kenny . . .

Christmas has always been my favorite time of year, and thanks to the readers of The Paper and The Times, I’m celebrating my third holiday season writing a sports column for you. You have given me a gift that keeps on giving. Just a few months after leaving the Lafayette Journal & Courier, I was…

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