From Judi . . .

Merry Christmas to all my customers! I appreciate each and every one of you. I know I call a lot (hey, that’s what telemarketing is) and you are all so kind and understanding – well, OK, most are. But even the ones who can get a little grumpy once in a while aren’t all that…

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From John . . .

’Twas the night before Christmas, and I was a grouse The question occurring: Am I man or a mouse? You see I’d forgotten, my deadline was due To my office I sprinted, taking stair-steps by two Away to my keyboard I ran with a flash To find that my hard drive had eaten my cache…

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From Jeff . . .

Thank you for your loyalty and support for our local newspaper over the years. I don’t think it has ever been more appreciated than during the last couple of years when all of us have been challenged in so many ways. It’s times like these when I appreciate even more the special bonds that are…

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From Dick . . .

I began writing this weekly column in December of 1999, crafting almost 1,100 essays over 22 years. One of the great pleasures in my life is to receive a note from a reader thanking me for giving them a smile. Some forward my column to friends around the country, but my favorite compliment is when…

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From Casey . . .

Being an auto enthusiast, many of my fondest Christmas memories center around four-wheeled experiences – usually involving one of my grandparents. Some of my fondest were driving my grandma to Christmas Eve services in her Mercedes or riding with my grandpa to pick up presents in his 1980s pickup. It wasn’t until I was a…

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From Carrie . . .

I walk around my neighborhood later in the evening these days, mostly so I can see the lights. There are some impressive houses just a mile or so away, and I walk down the sidewalks and see what has appeared on the lawns and in the windows now, right before Christmas. Some of the houses…

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One more chance to give Santa a wish list

Santa Claus — in his wire-rim eyeglasses, big red suit and beard as white as the snow — takes his seat in the Hamilton County Historical Society’s Santa House on the Courthouse Square. He invites children to sit on his lap or sit next to him. He asks for their wish lists for Christmas. And…

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Twas a few days before Christmas . . .

Years ago . . . OK, decades . . . I penned a parody of Clement Clarke Moore’s outstanding work, The Night Before Christmas. I was a young sports writer and had some fun doing it, so every few years since then I try again. The coaches, who were gracious enough not to run me…

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Lighting up the night for Christmas

When Dr. Luke James started his Noblesville chiropractic business after college, he was looking for a way to build awareness. So he decorated the outside of his office with Christmas lights. “My dad has always loved Christmas and thought it would bring people joy during the season,” said James, who loves Christmas, too. “People loved…

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Dear Santa, can you please bring me . . .

Okay, hands up everybody who’s ever written a letter to Santa Claus. If your hand is waving in the air, you’re part of a tradition that dates back to the early 1870s. What children in those days didn’t know, however, is that Santa never received that mail. Although some letters were forwarded to local charity…

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