Noblesville Lions, guests bring sense of community

If you want to join a philanthropic organization that does good in the community, the Noblesville Lions Club is one of the many. The Noblesville Lions’ volunteering and charitable giving help strengthen our community, as do many, many of our charitable organizations here in Noblesville. Besides all of the Lions’ volunteering — giving KidSight vision…

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An unexpected Christmas call . . .

I love Christmas! From early, early memories more than 60 years ago of watching for Santa, to the year I found car keys in my sock (and a payment book), to early years of marriage and walks in the snow, to a few years later and seeing our girls fly down the stairs on Christmas…

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Want to drive a school bus?

Have you ever wanted to “test drive” a school bus? I got to do just that on Saturday during Noblesville Schools’ “test drive a school bus” event. The three-hour open house-style event was open to the public as an opportunity for people to learn more about driving a school bus for the district, which currently…

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All Glory to the Great Turtle God

I was out in my neighbor’s front yard helping Ronnie, Stevie’s father, put up Christmas lights on his roof. My job was to detangle the strands of lights as they came out of the plastic storage box, before hoisting them up to Ronnie for installation. I’m surprised I got the job, because I’m certain that…

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NPA’s Holiday Home Tour will be tonight

If you love old homes and enjoy the nostalgia of Old Town Noblesville homes decorated for the holidays, then tonight’s Noblesville Preservation Alliance “Together Again!” Holiday Home Tour is for you. Four historic homes in Old Town Noblesville — decorated for the holidays — will open their doors for NPA’s first holiday tour since 2018.…

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Holcomb on this ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’

“Disastrous.” That’s Indiana University -Northwest Economics Prof. Micah Pollak’s forecast for a second COVID perilous winter, mostly among the 50 percent of Hoosiers who are unvaccinated. Pollack added that that state and local leaders need to be “shouting from the rooftops” about the need for people to get vaccinated. Gov. Eric Holcomb found himself facing…

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