From Betsy . . .

Merry Christmas to all of our Times newspaper readers.
As a journalist, I’ve been writing about Noblesville for 35 years. And some of the same people who were reading my first feature stories in 1986 in the Noblesville Daily Ledger are still reading my newspaper columns in 2021 in The Times.
And I thank you.
Thank you to all of my faithful readers. I appreciate you reading my columns and my stories and enjoying my photos.
Over the past 35 years, I’ve written thousands of stories and taken thousands of photos about people, places and things in and around Noblesville.
Thank you to my readers who send story ideas and comments, both positive and negative. Thank you to my readers who say “Lighten up, Betsy” or take the time to write me an email or handwrite a letter and mail it. And thank you to my readers who follow The Times, as well as myself, on Facebook.
In this age of newspapers, I’ve learned that while we may not always have a newspaper that we can hold in our hands, we will continue to find new and better ways to share the news in our communities so that readers, wherever they are, on laptops, iPads or cell phones, can still feel connected to their communities.
I appreciate you reading my work.
Merry Christmas! And Happy New Year!