From Dr. Arrowood . . .

As I ready for my 9th year as the Superintendent of Hamilton Heights School Corporation, I am as excited to serve in this role today as I was when I was first hired in January of 2014. Each year only seems to get better. For this, I credit, in part, our amazing village.
It really does take a village to raise a child and I can’t think of a better place to call home and raise a family than in Hamilton County. It is where I was raised, my children were raised, and in my not so humble opinion, home to six of the best public school districts in the state, including Hamilton Heights.
Here our village has long shown its support in many ways and in many forms to Heights’ commitment to creating a positive culture and enriching learning environment. Our community and district families are aligned in the belief that working together helps our students thrive and become the best version of themselves. Through active engagement and strong public-private partnerships, our students are provided with additional opportunities that have made Heights an education destination of choice for families, educators, and support staff.
Our community’s investment in our schools helps spark innovation, opportunity, vitality, and creative solutions that strengthen our school and surrounding communities for future generations. We take immense pride in highlighting the accomplishments and successes of our students and staff, learning initiatives, amazing facilities, and programs. I see the impactful influence of a village working together in our halls and classrooms, on our fields and courts, and throughout the community. Our students’ journey is one that is nurtured and shared by all, and I thank you for that gift.
I encourage you to take a moment during this break to go to our website at to revisit our monthly video updates beginning with #69 in July, and read our bimonthly messages beginning in August to share in and celebrate some of our accomplishments and successes from the first part of this school year. You will see what is possible and the positive outcomes that result thanks to the involvement of our school board, staff, students, parents, and community.
We really do have many reasons for celebrating and appreciating the solid and supportive anchor that is our family and community. It is truly something special. In the spirit of the season, let’s continue to share of ourselves and in our village, by doing the best we can, with a little grace today and every day.
Thank you for supporting our children, teachers, and staff and helping to make Hamilton Heights an amazing place to teach, learn, and belong. From our family to yours, Merry Christmas! #WeAreHuskies