Board of Public Works and Safety Meeting Agenda

Wed., Feb. 2nd, 2022 – 10 a.m.

Council Chambers City Hall, One Civic Square



  1. Minutes from the Jan. 19th, 2022, Regular Meeting


  1. Bid Opening for 106th Street and College Avenue Roundabout (Project # 20-ENG-02); Jeremy Kashman, Director of the Department of Engineering.


  1. Resolution BPW 02-02-22-04; Hamilton Crossing Demo; Erosion Control; F.A. Wilhelm.


  1. Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; White Construction, LLC; ($0); 16-SW85 Westfield Boulevard Over Carmel Creek Bridge Replacement – Substantial and Final Completion Date Changes; CO #1; Jeremy Kashman, Director of the Department of Engineering.
  2. Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; Morphey Construction, Inc.; ($17,635.85); 16-ENG-70 Rangeline Road Streetscape / Proscenium Streetscape; CO #5; Jeremy Kashman, Director of the Department of Engineering.
  3. Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; CIM Audio Visual, Inc. dba CCS Presentation Systems; ($56,288.00); City AV Maintenance; Additional Services Amendment; Timothy Renick, Director of Information and Communication Systems.
  4. Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; CIM Audio Visual, Inc.; ($22,134.00); MS Teams End Point / Conference System; Additional Services Amendment; Chief David Haboush, Carmel Fire Department
  5. Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; Cultivate Geospatial Solutions, LLC; ($8,100.00); Discovery Analysis and ArcGIS Ent Upgrade; Timothy Renick, Director of Information and Communication Systems.
  6. Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; Hoosier Fire Equipment, Inc.; ($48,122.00); Cutters and Spreaders; Additional Services Amendment; Chief David Haboush, Carmel Fire Department.
  7. Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; Midwest Garage Door Systems, Inc.; ($11,400.00); 2021 IT Data Center Bond – Garage Doors; James Crider, Director of Administration.
  8. Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; Reeldx, Inc.; ($1,875.00); Subscription, Licenses; Chief David Haboush, Carmel Fire Department
  9. Resolution BPW 02-02-22-01; A Resolution of the City of Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety Acknowledging Utility Reimbursement Agreement Between City and  Vendor; Duke Energy Indiana, LLC; ($172,489.59); WP PURCPA – 116th Street & Rangeline Road; John Duffy, Director of the Department of Utilities.
  10. Resolution BPW 02-02-22-02; A Resolution of the City of Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety Acknowledging Utility Reimbursement Agreement Between City and Vendor; Duke Energy Indiana, LLC; ($54,400.56); 116th Street and Rangeline Road – Circuit, Tie In on Woodland Lane; John Duffy, Director of the Department of Utilities.
  11. Resolution BPW 02-02-22-03; A Resolution of the City of Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety Acknowledging Agreement Between City and Vendor; Traynor & Associates, Inc.; ($5,400.00); 20-ENG-01 2020 Road Bond – R/W Services – Smoky Row Road; Jeremy Kashman, Director of the Department of Engineering.
  12. Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; Telamon Enterprise Ventures, LLC; ($103,360.00); Solar Engineering Services; John Duffy, Director of the Department of Utilities
  13. Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; Williams Boot & Glove Dryers, Inc. dba Williams Direct Dryers; ($13,996.97); Turn Out Gear Dryers; Chief David Haboush, Carmel Fire Department.
  14. Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; Insight Public Sector, Inc; ($78,424.92); Network Lease and Equipment; Additional Services Amendment; Timothy Renick, Director of Information and Communication Systems.


  1. Request to Use Civic Square Gazebo; Graduation Celebration; June 5th, 2022; 12 p.m. – 6 p.m.; Jeremy Kashman, City of Carmel.
  2. Request to Use Civic Square Gazebo; Spring Woodwind Studio Recital; June 22nd, 2022; 4 p.m. – 6:15 p.m.; Katherine Peters.
  3. Request to Use Council Chambers; National Day of Prayer; May 5th, 2022; 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.; David Forbes.
  4. Request for Lane Restrictions; St. Patrick’s Day Celebration; March 17th, 2022 at 8 a.m. – March 20th, 2022 at 8 a.m.; Barry Miller, Brockway Public House.


  1. Request for Approval of Conflict of Interest; Michael Brisco, Carmel Fire Department.
  2. Request for Approval of Conflict of Interest; Nancy Heck, Department of Community Relations
  3. Request for Consent to Encroach; 3196 Driftwood Court; Nathan & Mariel Lewis, Property Owners
  4. Request for Grant of Easement Agreement; Village Capital Corporation for Water Tower Improvement and Upgrade; Jeremy Kashman, Director of the Department of Engineering
  5. Request for Variance; 3196 Driftwood Court; Nathan & Mariel Lewis, Property Owners
  6. Request for 2 Restricted Parking Spaces; 879 3rd Avenue SW; Matt Decoursey, Lauth
  7. Request for Consent to Encroach; 526 1st Avenue SE; Paul Owen, Wedgewood Builders
  8. Request for Road Closure / Sidewalk Closure / Open Pavement Cut; Main Street between Guilford and Old Meridian; Joe Allen, CRG Residential
  9. Request for Waiver of BPW Resolution No. 04-28-17-01 / Lane Restrictions; 106th Street between Springmill Road and Illinois Street; AES Inc.