Cicero Kiwanis Club to Host Open House Sat., May 14th
The Cicero Kiwanis Club is hosting an open house this Saturday, May 14 beginning with breakfast at 7:30 a.m. at the Red Bridge Park Community Building. The club is taking this opportunity to showcase its club, services, and the difference it makes locally. It is also looking to bring on new members to join the club to help it continue to bring more benefit to community and success in its mission.
“Members are the heartbeat of Kiwanis,” said Dr. Derek Arrowood, a long-time member and current club president. “The passion of our members is what helps the club lend support to programs, projects, and other organizations that bring new hope to children in our community and beyond helping future generations reach their full potential.”
Todd Clevenger, Cicero Kiwanis Club Membership Chair, agreed. “We want to share the many good things the Cicero Kiwanis Club is doing for our community, he added. “We want more people to be aware of our club, our impact and ideally, bring on a few new members. Our work matters and makes an impactful difference.”
“Many of our members joined and got involved because the club does a lot of good for the schools, local community, greater northern Hamilton County, and Riley Hospital,” added Dr. Arrowood.
Each year, the Cicero Kiwanis Club provides scholarships to graduating seniors from Hamilton Heights. In addition, it supports school clubs, the Educational Foundation, and programs like the Angel Tree. Recently, the Cicero Kiwanis has lent its support to the Arcadia Splash Pad project, Fire Department, Prevail, Cicero Parks, and Angel’s attic to name a few.
The group also helps coordinate and sponsor the annual Veterans Day breakfast, partnered with Cicero Main Street for the street festival and annual Christmas Parade and Remnant for the Kings Treasure program to help make Christmas a little brighter for those who may not otherwise have one.
Any questions regarding the open house event on Saturday and/or to RSVP, contact [email protected]. Anyone who wants to learn more about the Cicero Kiwanis Club, but are unable to attend this event are encouraged to visit the group’s Facebook page at