Noblesville Schools has named four educators as 2022 Teachers of the Year. The teachers were nominated by their principals and were selected for the honor by a committee of administrators. The winners were Tara Kundert, Fifth Grade Teacher at Noble Crossing Elementary; Kylie Moyers, Special Education Teacher at White River Elementary; Lori McGavic, Spanish Teacher at Noblesville West Middle School; and Laura Costa, a Math Teacher at Noblesville High School. See below for photos and full description of each of the winners
The four educators were selected to represent different academic levels, with two teachers chosen at the elementary level to reflect the fact that 50% of Noblesville Schools teachers are in elementary schools.
This year’s middle school winner, Lori McGavic, was further distinguished as the overall district winner.
Selection focused on master teachers who excel at putting Noblesville Schools’ mission and vision into action and whose accomplishments align well with the Indiana Department of Education’s state Teacher of the Year criteria.
The winners regularly demonstrate the highest levels of quality instruction for their students and leadership among their peers. They will be honored at a Noblesville Schools Education Foundation recognition dinner in May. As the overall district honoree, McGavic will also participate in the state Teacher of the Year competition.
Noblesville Schools employs approximately 700 teachers.