Hamilton County Superior Court 6 Judge Gail Bardach Set to Retire July 1

Hamilton County Superior Court 6 Judge Gail Bardach will retire from the bench on Friday, July 1. Bardach was first elected in 2006. Prior to that she served as judge of the Carmel City Court for 14 years.
“I could have retired a long time ago, but I have loved what I do,” Judge Bardach says. When asked how she will spend her time after the bench, she replied, “I have ideas but no specific plans. I will definitely be volunteering, travelling with my husband, and even taking some college level courses in things that interest me: history, literature, and maybe even creative writing.”
The Indiana University and IU McKinney School of Law graduate presides over a criminal docket, traffic offenses, and small claims cases. She started the Hamilton County Drug Court in 2010.
“The most rewarding part of my career has been presiding over the Drug Court,” Judge Bardach says. “Over the years I have come to realize what a huge role drugs and alcohol play in criminal offenses. Our staff has helped many nonviolent offenders with substance abuse issues turn their lives around.”
Circuit Court Judge Paul Felix will preside over Drug Court following Judge Bardach’s departure.
“Another thing that has been especially rewarding has been conducting jury trials,” Judge Bardach adds. “I love interacting with people and letting them see how the system really works. Jurors often tell me, after our trials, what a positive and educational experience their jury duty has been.”
Judge Bardach’s current term expires December 31, 2024. Governor Eric Holcomb has yet to appoint her replacement.
“I’ve been blessed to have been surrounded and supported by wonderful, intelligent, capable, caring people during my career,” Judge Bardach says. “My incredibly supportive family, my wonderful staff, the very dedicated members of our Drug Court Team, the other judges, magistrates, and most of the lawyers who appear in front of me are just as dedicated to helping people out. I truly appreciate and very much thank them all.”