Indiana Chamber of Commerce Gives Indiana Talent Network a New Home

The Indiana Chamber of Commerce is taking another step in reinforcing its commitment to lifting up the educational attainment and workforce skills of Hoosiers. The organization announced yesterday that through its Institute for Workforce Excellence it will be the new home for the Indiana Talent Network, which connects statewide stakeholders and regional collaborations in support of equitable talent policies and strategies.
The Indiana Talent Network has been coordinated by the Community Education Coalition, in partnership with its CivicLab, since its inception in 2017. With the Institute for Workforce Excellence’s talent-centric mission, it’s a natural resource to promote the Indiana Talent Network and have it reach more Hoosiers, says Todd Hurst, executive director of the Institute.
“In the coming months, we will take full responsibility for coordinating and convening the Indiana Talent Network and look forward to partnering with its team to continue to identify priorities and establish goals around talent attraction, connection and development that will most aid the workforce and employers,” he explains. “We also acknowledge the great work that has been done with the Network to date and especially applaud (CEO) John Burnett, (network strategist) Jeanna Berdel and (CivicLab executive director) Jack Hess for their efforts and dedication.”
Adds Burnett, CEO of the Community Education Coalition and CivicLab co-founder, “We thank Jeanna Berdel for her amazing service to Indiana Talent Network. We have been searching for the right state-level partner to carry the program forward. The Institute for Workforce Excellence is a perfect fit. We are grateful for the arrangement.”
Historically, the Indiana Talent Network’s mission has centered on enhancing best practices, providing interactive opportunities, fostering learning and creating a shared understanding of Indiana’s workforce development systems. Hurst shares, “We intend to build on that foundation even more in order to prepare individuals and businesses to compete in today’s talent-driven economy.”
The Indiana Talent Network currently consists of representatives from nearly every region of the state and includes ongoing professional development and awareness experiences, as well as quarterly meetings that bring together regional education/workforce leaders to discuss and share information.
Offers Hurst, “We know that having regional intermediaries is critical to effectively addressing systems-level workforce challenges so they can learn from one another. Perhaps more importantly, the Indiana Talent Network creates an avenue of communication to and from the state from regional partners who are doing the work on a daily basis within our communities across the state.”
The Indiana Talent Network is part of a growing umbrella of workforce services offered by the Indiana Chamber via the Institute for Workforce Excellence. Work and Learn Indiana is the group’s free work-based learning marketplace that matches employers with those looking to gain experience in that field. Also this summer, the Talent Resource Navigator tool will launch to serve employers, individuals and providers with the convenience of one-stop shopping for workforce-related needs.