Reminiscing About Those Nob City Nights

Indiana has some great poets and songwriters. From James Whitcomb Riley to one of Noblesville’s favorite sons Steve Wariner, there’s no shortage of talent or writers. Let me be crystal clear, I am not in their league. Not by a long shot.

But for those of you who grew up ‘round these parts and are proud members of the Baby Boomer generation, you might find yourself reminiscing about those times. For me, those memories beckon more in the summer. Perhaps I try to block out the frigid January nights? Don’t know. But I do know that I think back to a lot of great memories growing up here. From baling hay on sweltering hot days to playing baseball behind Conner Elementary and later at glorious Forest Park . . . those were special times.

So with tremendous apologies to anyone who has ever written poetry or songs, here’s a stroll through the dusty cobwebs of summers long ago in a place we used to call Nob City.

I grew up when war was cold and summer nights were hot.
Nob City was a small town but I liked it a lot.

We’d go sliding down the dam when the cops weren’t around.
And sneak in to the drive in looking for girls to hound.

Cruising the strip from east to the west.
From Jim Dandy to the courthouse where we’d take a rest.

Gallons of gas were still pretty cheap.
A dollar or two and no one would freak.

Movies were great for taking a date.
We went to the Diana, and never were late.

Hot summer days found us dam sliding at Morse.
Or headed to the park and a great 9-hole course.

To Grandpa’s Candy Store if you needed the sweets.
A quarter would buy you all kinds of treats.

The bright lights at the Rainbo called us to skate.
The music was loud, oh man it was great.

You could eat at Blue Ribbon or try the putt putt.
Was that a hole in one, oh look at them strut.

Potter’s was open, you drove right across.
And looked down through the timbers at all the green moss.

Fridays in the fall were the absolute best.
Watching the Millers prove they’re the best.

The sock hops were cool and weren’t to be missed.
The girls all danced while the boys stood there and wished.

Those days are long past and my hair has turned white
Good Lord I miss those Nob City nights.

– When Timmons isn’t setting poetry back a thousand years, he is the chief executive officer of Sagamore News Media, the company that owns The Noblesville Times. He is also a proud Noblesville High School graduate and can be contacted at [email protected].