State Lawmakers Respond to SCOTUS Decision Overturning Roe V. Wade

State lawmakers representing Hamilton County issued the following statements in response to the U.S. Supreme Court overturning its decision on Roe v. Wades. State legislators are expected to take action on the issue when they return to the Statehouse for a special session.
Governor Eric Holcomb recently announced his call for lawmakers to reconvene on July 6 and provide $1 billion in inflation relief to Hoosier taxpayers due to higher-than-expected revenue collections. Details of the special session have not yet been announced. Updates will be posted to the Indiana General Assembly’s website at
In March, Indiana House Speaker Todd Huston, Rep. Tony Cook, Rep. Chuck Goodrich, Rep. Chris Jeter and Rep. Donna Schaibley signed onto a letter urging Holcomb to call a special session should the nation’s highest court return the question of abortion back to the states.
“Today’s decision rightfully returns the question of abortion back to the people and the states, and we’re excited to build on Indiana’s already strong pro-life track record. While it’s too early to speculate on what form legislation may take, I strongly believe we’ll couple any action with expanding resources and services to support pregnant mothers, and care for their babies before and after birth. It’s my expectation for state lawmakers to take action to further protect life when we return to the Statehouse for a special session. We recognize the passion from all sides on this issue, and that’s why I expect the General Assembly to thoughtfully vet any legislation through the full legislative process, including committee hearings and public testimony,” said House Speaker Todd Huston (R-Fishers).
“This monumental Supreme Court decision rightfully returns the question of abortion back to the people of each state. We should always protect the sanctity of life, and this favorable ruling gives us the unique opportunity to save more innocent lives,” said State Rep. Tony Cook (R-Cicero).
“Advocating and being a voice for the unborn is a top priority, and I will support efforts to return to the Statehouse to further build on Indiana’s life protections. It’s also important that we take action to expand support for pregnant Hoosiers and newborns,” said State Rep. Chuck Goodrich (R-Noblesville).
“After 50 years, the issue of our most basic right, the right to life, has finally been returned to the people and their elected representatives, where it belongs. I look forward to joining my colleagues at the earliest opportunity to pass legislation, which protects the life and dignity of unborn Hoosiers,” said State Rep. Chris Jeter (R-Fishers).
“Indiana continues to prioritize defending the lives of our most vulnerable, and I look forward to taking action to further protect life. I also strongly believe that we need to expand resources and support for expectant mothers and their babies,” said State Rep. Donna Schaibley (R-Carmel).
“I haven’t yet had an opportunity to review the Dobbs decision, and I think it’s too early to know what any proposed legislation may look like. However, I look forward to having discussions with constituents and colleagues in the General Assembly about what this decision means for Hoosiers and what actions we should take. In recent years I have authored legislation making adoption more affordable and accessible, and will continue to work on that as well as supporting efforts to provide more resources for expectant and new mothers,” said State Rep. Jerry Torr (R-Carmel).