Westfield Mayor Cook’s Council on Disabilities Officially Launches

The Westfield Mayor’s Council on Disabilities (WMCD) gave the first update on its mission and priorities before the Westfield City Council this week. The presentation highlighted Mayor Cook’s support of the council and its efforts to educate, advocate and create a positive impact in the lives of people with disabilities. The WMCD shared its short and long-term goals, logo, social media platform details and request for community support.
“In March, we experienced firsthand the passion from disability advocates who expressed the need for a disability council in Westfield,” said Mayor Andy Cook. “Their shared experiences demonstrated the need for a council that represents all people. It’s my pleasure to support the WMCD and I’m confident it will add value to our community.”
The WMCD’s mission is to make a positive impact in the lives of people with disabilities in Westfield by promoting lifecycle planning along with a culture of inclusion and accessibility. The WMCD will address challenges facing people with disabilities in Westfield and provide solutions to break down barriers. Long-term goals will focus on strengthening housing, transportation and workforce development opportunities for people with disabilities.
WMCD will host its first event to coincide with the 32nd Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on July 26 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Westfield’s Grand Junction Plaza. All are welcome.
Other events include:
- September – Person-centered planning through Life Course.
- October – National Disability Employment Awareness Month.
- February 2023 – Supported decision-making & other alternatives to guardianship
- March 2023 – Disability Awareness Month
For those interested in being part of the WMCD, email your contact information to [email protected]. Visit www.Westfieldmcd.com for more information.