Republican State Senator Kyle Walker Supports a Balanced Approach on Abortion Policy

The Indiana General Assembly is scheduled to meet for a Special Session beginning July 25 to consider Gov. Eric Holcomb’s proposal to provide inflation relief and to address abortion policy following the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade on June 24.

“I have given this a significant amount of thought and I’ve listened to women and parents of all ages about their views on the issue. Their stories, some heartbreaking, have helped shape my position,” State Sen. Kyle Walker, who represents Fishers and part of Lawrence, said.

“With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, I believe we must strike a balance for pregnant women to make their own health decisions in the first trimester of pregnancy and also provide protections for an unborn baby as it progresses toward viability outside the womb, while making exceptions for rape, incest, health of the mother and cases of fatal fetal anomaly,” Sen. Kyle Walker said.

Current Indiana law allows for abortion up to 20 weeks postfertilization. Walker supports reducing the time period to 12-15 weeks, around the first trimester.

Providing further background for his position, Sen. Kyle Walker explained, “In the past several weeks I’ve had mothers and fathers share their heart-wrenching stories with me and I firmly believe we should not force a mother to carry a baby to term that her doctor knows won’t live outside the womb. In some cases, an early delivery is the only way the parents are able to spend a few minutes with their baby while he or she is still alive.” 

Regarding other proposals, Sen. Kyle Walker supports increasing funding and resources for women during pregnancy and after the birth of their child, as well as expanding the Safe Haven Baby Box program and increasing the adoption tax credit. He also supports expanding access to birth control, including emergency contraception. Sen. Kyle Walker, however, opposes requiring rape or incest victims to file a police report, which he believes further victimizes the woman. He also opposes criminal penalties for health professionals and mothers.

“This is one of the most defining votes I’ll cast and I wanted to share my position with constituents in advance,” said Sen. Kyle Walker.

Background: Indiana’s current law already includes informed consent requirements, parental consent requirements for pregnant minors, regulation of drug induced abortions, a ban on partial birth abortion procedures, a ban of abortions undertaken due to race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, a diagnosis of Down syndrome or other disability, a prohibition of the use of taxpayer funds for abortion except for emergencies, and criminal penalties for those who coerce a woman to have an abortion.