Sights, Sounds and Smells of 4-H Fair

Hamilton County 4-H’ers (right) wait on customers in the Farm Bureau Milkshake Tent – where vanilla, chocolate and Cookies & Cream flavors are available during the Hamilton County 4-H Fair, which opened Thursday and continues through Monday at the Hamilton County 4H Fairgrounds in Noblesville.

If you’ve driven by the Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds in Noblesville this week, you’ve probably noticed that the big tents are set up, barns are open and the parking lot is bustling with 4-H’ers checking in their 4-H Fair projects.
We love the Fair and look forward to it every year. Maybe it’s the smell of the horses and cows and pigs that fill the barns. Or the thousands of 4-H’ers projects that are judged and on display to the public. Or maybe the delicious food that’s being served by 4-H’ers, Extension Homemakers and other groups.
There is just something magical about the 4-H Fair.
And with the pandemic behind us, the fair is closer to being back to normal.
On Sunday afternoon, we went to the Fairgrounds and checked in one of my daughter’s 4-H projects at the Exhibition Center. She’s an eighth-year 4-H’er who will hopefully someday celebrate 10 years in 4-H, like the 77 4-H’ers who were recognized Friday night at the 2022 Hamilton County 4-H Fair Queen Pageant during which 2022 Hamilton Heights High School graduate Faith Hittle was crowned queen.
Now, I want to share more about the 4-H Fair, which opened on Thursday and runs through Monday.

Jane Weaver (left) and Sharon Piper of Hamilton County Extension Homemakers Choral Group, the Silver Notes, sell elephant ears Thursday during the Hamilton County 4-H Fair, which continues through Monday at the 4-H Fairgrounds in Noblesville. In 2021, the Silver Notes sold a record 3,500 elephant ears.
While things are mostly back to normal, some of the food vendors have opted out again this year, including my daughter’s 4-H club, the Mudsockers, which traditionally serve lemon shake-ups, brats, sausage and Muddy Chicken (a chocolate pudding cup with a peep on top and a dance to serve it). However, there will still be plenty of food choices for fairgoers’ tastes from returning food vendors.

Pork tenderloin sandwiches, ice cream and lemonade are served up by the Fishers United Methodist Church and are among dozens of food choices at the Hamilton County 4-H Fair, which continues through Monday in Noblesville.
Hamilton County Producer groups will serve Dairy on Thursday, Rabbit and Poultry on Friday, Pork on Saturday, Sheep on Sunday and Beef on Monday, although Joint Producers Barbecue is served daily, including during Tuesday night’s Livestock Auction. Among the usual fare are beef ribeyes and hamburgers; rabbit brats, BBQ and burgers; turkey burger; pork loin, brats, BBQ and burgers; lamb burgers, brats, kabobs and BBQ; and corn on the cob.
Sheridan First Christian Church will serve corn dogs, sloppy Joes, shrimp, chicken nuggets and breadsticks.
Fishers United Methodist Church will serve pork tenderloin, fruit cobbler and ice cream.
Hamilton County Silvernotes will serve handmade elephant ears.
Noblesville H&H Club will sell novelty candy, but no chocolate.
Westfield Cloverleaves 4-H Club will offer their fruit slush, fruit and sparkling water.
North Circle Church will serve funnel cakes and dill pickles.

Husky 4-H’ers 4-H Club member Andyn Emery, 11, a second-year Hamilton County 4-H’er, volunteers wrapping grilled cheese sandwiches with club members and his mom, Vanessa Emery (left) and parent Brittney Miller at the 4-H Fair, which runs through Monday at the Fairgrounds in Noblesville.
Hamilton County Junior Leaders Stand will offer pizza, hot dogs, Coke products and chips.
Hamilton County Farm Bureau will have milkshakes and milk. Ice Guys will have SnoCones.
Fishers Baptist Church will offer gyros and fruit shakeups and more.
Inside the Exhibition Center, Hamilton County Extension Homemakers in their dining room will offer daily specials: Friday, chicken and noodles; Saturday, meatloaf; Sunday, beef and noodles; with other food available daily through Monday.
While my daughter enjoys earning ribbons at the Fair, she knows 4-H isn’t about all of the ribbons you put on your bulletin board. It’s about learning by doing and making the best better.
Contact Betsy Reason at [email protected]