Back-to-School Bash Celebrates Noblesville Classes Back in Session

Noblesville Schools’ families descend upon the new Beaver Stadium on Friday afternoon during the Back-to-School Bash.

And just like that. Summer break is over. And Noblesville Schools is back in session.
The 2022-23 school year began on Tuesday.
The big yellow buses are back on the road. Our school bus driver called last week to let us know the bus-stop time would be about the same.
While elementary school-age and middle school-age student families have been busy shopping for school supplies on their list, my incoming high school junior has been more about shopping for new school clothes. Last year’s schools are so “last year.” So out with the old and in with the new. New jean styles, new tops. New Converse tennis shoes.
I remember when I was in school, clothes shopping was fun at the end of summer, and you looked forward to wearing your new clothes on the first day of school.But the shoes were more like Buster Browns, not Converse high tops that seem to coordinate with every outfit today, even dresses short and long.

One of the popular crowd-pleasing booths at Noblesville Schools’ Back-to-School Bash was the dunk tank where Hinkle Creek Elementary School principal Jack Lawrence sat high above the tank awaiting students with good throwing arms to hit the target, collapsing his seat and dunking him into the water.
We had a great summer, filled with activities, from rehearsing with her friends for The Belfry Theatre Apprentice Players production of Disney’s “Frozen Jr.,” which was on stage over the weekend with record crowds at The Ivy Tech Auditorium, spinning and weaving at Conner Prairie, attending a Taylor University musical theater camp (thanks to receiving an Encore Association youth scholarship), participating in the Hamilton County 4-H Fair, volunteering with Conner Prairie kids camp and more.
She was excited to return to school on Monday morning, particularly after attending Noblesville Schools’ Back-to-School Bash on Friday afternoon at the new Beaver Stadium. The event instilled excitement for the return to school. There was so much to see and do at the Bash.

Noblesville Schools Miller Backers volunteer Peg Casper grills hot dogs during the Back-to-School Bash on Friday at the new Beaver Stadium.
Every school had a booth, as did every school sport, and most every school extracurricular activity, from choirs to band (NHS Marching Millers performed on the field), plus the Hamilton East Public Library, Girls Scouts of America, Noblesville Police Department, Young Life, sports teams, Nickel Plate Arts, Girls Guide to the Galaxy and more were featured in booths.One of the popular crowd-pleasing booths was the dunk tank where Hinkle Creek Elementary School principal Jack Lawrence sat high above the tank awaiting students with good throwing arms to hit the target, collapsing his seat and dunking him into the water.

Noblesville Schools’ families are just starting to arrive at the new Beaver Stadium on Friday afternoon for the Back-to-School Bash.
Attendees got to step foot on the grounds of the new Beaver Stadium, which was the location for the three-hour bash that is annually planned for Noblesville Schools’ student families. Past bash locations have been the downtown Courthouse Square and Federal Hill Commons. This year’s event seemed bigger than every previous bash.

Noblesville High School sophomore and football player Brody Gump volunteers delivering popcorn to one of three concession stands for Miller Backers at the new Beaver Stadium during Friday’s Back-to-School Bash.
Beaver Stadium celebrated its official opening with a ribbon cutting earlier in the day on Friday, with Noblesville Schools new superintendent Dr. Dan Hile and Noblesville High School principal Dr. Craig McCaffrey, among others, that also included recently retired superintendent Beth Niedermeyer.

Noblesville Schools’ Back-to-School Bash on Friday offered families the opportunity to learn more about Noblesville schools as well as other organizations.

Noblesville families visit the North Elementary School booth during Noblesville Schools’ Back-to-School Bash on Friday.
Chris Beaver, a 1983 NHS graduate who played football and ran track at the old Beaver Materials Stadium, gave Noblesville Schools $250,000 over five years for naming rights to put the Beaver name on this new multipurpose facility. Beaver is owner of Beaver Materials, a more than 70-year-old Noblesville-based company that produces sand, gravel and crushed concrete.
“I’m excited. It really is exciting. It’s great for the community. It’s great for the Schools. It’s a great day,” said Beaver, who was found during the Back-to-School bash keeping food filled at all three concession stands, which are sponsored by The Gordon Family of Companies (a really nice sign is posted by each concession stand). Other stadium sponsors include McGavics Outdoor Power and Body in Training.

Chris Beaver, owner of Beaver Materials, was found at Beaver Stadium during the Noblesville Schools Back-to-School Bash, volunteering as president of Miller Backers doing concessions. Chris Beaver, a 1983 NHS graduate who played football and ran track at the old Beaver Materials Stadium, gave Noblesville Schools $250,000 over five years for naming rights to put the Beaver name on this new multipurpose facility. Beaver is owner of Beaver Materials, a more than 70-year-old Noblesville-based company that produces sand, gravel and crushed concrete.
Not only is Beaver’s company a sponsor of the new stadium, he is president of Miller Backers, a nearly 40-year-old nonprofit volunteer education group that uses money from concessions sold at Noblesville athletic events to give back to the school through Miller Backer athletic scholarships and the purchases of supplies and equipment for the athletic department.
About 10,000 people were expected to attend the bash.
Contact Betsy Reason at [email protected]. See more photos of the bash and new stadium in Wednesday’s edition of The Times.