Indiana Homeland Security Training for Civil Unrest Violence

Indiana Department of Homeland Security employees are teaming up with local first responders in northern Indiana to test emergency plans in response to a scenario where civil unrest has the potential to turn violent.

Operation Unify: Civil Unrest Functional Exercise will take place today at Trine University in Angola.

IDHS has been working with first responders in the northern part of the state to revise and update their plans, now they will validate these plans during a functional exercise. A functional exercise allows exercise participants to perform their duties in a simulated operational environment. Evaluators will be onsite to watch the actions and decisions made and will offer suggestions on how participants can improve their response.

Note: This is a functional exercise. There will be no movement of personnel and resources as exercise play will be simulated.

IDHS partners with local authorities to create, revise and validate emergency response plans for many types of emergencies or disasters. This scenario was chosen to help first responders test their plans and does not reflect any ongoing threat to Indiana. This event is not open to the public.

Indiana Department of Homeland Security

Established in 2005, the Indiana Department of Homeland Security (IDHS) leads the way to a safer and more secure Indiana. With jurisdictions involving emergency management, building code enforcement, as well as training and certification for first responders around the state, IDHS works to provide a safe, secure and resilient Indiana. For more information about IDHS, visit