Reader Prays for Election

Dear Editor,

My letter is directed toward all religious leaders: ministers, pastors, priests, rabbis, parsons, reverends, Muslim clergy, elders, deacons et al. Are you spreading the message to your congregations about saving the soul of our nation?

As of this writing we have 16 days before Election Day which includes two Sundays, two Saturdays and two Wednesdays to encourage registered American citizen voters to go to the polls and make an intelligent choice of the candidates on the ballot who will save our nation from disappearing from a way of life of liberty and freedom set forth from the founders of our nation.

Religious leaders, you should also be praying along with your congregations for our country’s survival before the election and after the election. You should be praying for a safe and honest election. You should be praying that the election officials will not defile our election in any way nationwide. Your duty by God is to bring forth the love of Jesus and to save individual souls. Your duty is to also save the soul of our nation.

I pray so and so should you.

Mari Briggs