Veterans Group Collecting Coats for Veterans, Families

I always like to hear about local organizations doing good for the community.
The Hamilton County Veterans Corp. is one of those groups.
The HCVC is about veterans serving veterans who are members of our American Legions, Veterans of Foreign Wars lodges and other veterans organizations in Hamilton County.
The Hamilton County Veterans, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, has recently teamed up for the first time with Life Church in Noblesville to collect coats for men, women and children, to be delivered to our veterans and their families.
Ron Wilson, president of the Hamilton County Veterans, asks that the community drop off clean coats through this Sunday at the church, 2200 Sheridan Road, Noblesville. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, and 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday.

“The coat drive at Life Church is going very well,” said Jennifer Morin Young, who is coordinating the coat drive with Wilson and the Hamilton County Veterans. “I have a huge heart for our veterans and our military.” She is a liaison between Turning Pointe USA Faith and Life Church, where Micah Beckwith is campus pastor. “I have a committee at the church who is supporting or has supported worthy philanthropic causes like this veteran coat drive.”
“Our last coat drive, we had over 100 donated,” Wilson said. “We donate them to any veteran in need or veterans’ family.” After Hamilton County needs, the coats go on to “brothers and sisters” for homeless veterans and families in other Indiana cities and towns, including Indianapolis.
The Hamilton County Veterans coat drive has been going on for at least 10 years, he said.
Wilson, a 1964 Noblesville High School and veteran of the U.S. Navy, served in Vietnam from 1965-71 and is a member of the American Legion Post 45 in Noblesville. He is president of Hamilton County Veterans, past State Commander of Indiana Squadron and is currently Senior Executive Officer of the National Staff of Navy Club USA and, as a past Commander of Hamilton County Navy Club Ship 29, Wilson now serves as a Trustee. He also helped organize the 50th-year rededication of the Hamilton County Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Noblesville in 2021.
Wilson said the Hamilton County Veterans group is thankful to the community for helping with other needs, as well, including walkers, canes and wheelchairs for veterans’ medical needs. He said thanks to donations, the Hamilton County Veterans were able to assist several veterans.
The group also assisted veterans in getting transportation to Richard L. Roudebush Hospital during the year as well as helping several veterans receive benefits due them from the Veterans Administration.

Donated coats pile up in a container for Hamilton County Veterans at the Noblesville Life Church, where coat donations are being taken through Sunday for veterans.
Wilson said Hamilton County Veterans also found shelter for veterans who lost their homes due to financial difficulties.
The group also had a bike drive in 2021, donating 51 bikes. While the group did not do a bike drive this year, there are plans for a bike drive in 2023.
“Veterans helping veterans, because we care. That’s what we do,” he said.
Hamilton County Veterans also made a donation to the Gold Star Mothers Memorial erected in Indianapolis, as well as taking part in the Veterans Legislative Day at the State House in January … We are also active in the Indiana Military Veterans Coalition assisting in getting Legislation passed to help all Hoosier Veterans, as well as serving on the selection Committee of the Indiana Military Veterans Hall of Fame,” Wilson said.
He said 100 percent of all donations go to the support of our veterans.
Membership in the Hamilton County Veterans Corp is open to any active U.S. Armed Forces member of any veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces who has received a DD214 with other than a dishonorable discharge. The current fee for joining is $25 annually. All first-time members will receive a 4-inch HCV patch. Go to to complete a form and mail ton Hamilton County Veterans Corp., P.O. Box 503, Noblesville, IN 46061-0503. Membership runs from Jan. 1-Dec. 31 regardless of when one joins the HCV.
Hamilton County Veterans Service Officer is Lisa Charles and may be reached at (317) 776-9610 or Her office is in the Hamilton County Government & Judicial Center in downtown Noblesville. To reach wilson, email
Contact Betsy Reason at