25+ Ways to Donate On Giving Tuesday

The Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville, which is getting ready to start Boys and Girls Winter Basketball Leagues, is among many charities that are raising money on Giving Tuesday.

Today is Giving Tuesday.
And there are many ways the community can donate to help others in our community.
Giving Tuesday — which comes after Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday — is annually the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving and is a global day dedicated to giving back, celebrating philanthropy worldwide. A day to support your favorite charitable organizations that are improving lives of others.
And in Hamilton County, there are many nonprofit organizations that need your help.
Today, I’ve included 20 nonprofit organizations, not in any certain order of need:
1. The Tom & Soni Sheehan Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville’s “Dream Big at BGCN” campaign is seeking donations from the community, with up to $12,500 in donations to the campaign generously matched again this year by George Kristo of Noblesville, retired executive director of Hamilton County Council on Alcohol & Other Drugs.
“Time and time again, George continues to amaze us with his generosity and commitment to our mission that focuses on academic success, good character & citizenship and healthy lifestyles,” said Becky Terry, the Club’s executive director. “Words cannot express how thankful we are for George, and his late wife Linda, and their impact that they’ve had on the youth we serve each year. At the Club, we want to ensure that all kids can Dream Big.” This year’s goal is to surpass 2021’s total of $26,000 that was raised on Giving Tuesday, including Kristo’s matching gift. In 2021, BGCN served 1,366 local youth with its affordable, after school programs while serving more than 27,000 healthy snacks and nutritious meals. Donations may be made at p2p.onecause.com/dreambigatbgcn.
2. George Kristo, also a long-time Janus Developmental Services supporter, “will match dollar for dollar all donations” to Janus Developmental Services on Giving Tuesday, according to Jerry D. Jamison, Janus’ development and communications director. Janus provides individuals with disabilities the opportunity to participate and contribute within the community. Janus offers a Work Experience program providing individuals the opportunity to explore and develop abilities in a work setting that matches their needs and interests. Janus operates Capabilities Cafe in the lower level of the Hamilton County Government & Judicial Center in Noblesville and offers contract manufacturing positions as well as creative and artistic opportunities with all individuals paid for the work they complete. Janus annually teams up for the Noblesville First United Methodist Church Christmas Festival of Music & Art, with a Janus Art Sale and Janus Choir, at 6 p.m. Dec. 11 with free admission. Visit janus-inc.org or call (317) 773-8781 ext. 100.

3. Same As U has been serving young adults with developmental disabilities in a college-like setting in Noblesville for three years. Jennifer Sell — executive director who started the Same As U organization when she was seeking an opportunity for her own child, Jessica, now 21, who has Down syndrome, upon Jessica’s senior year in high school — is asking the community to consider donating to the organization. Same As U, earlier this year, purchased a building with money raised through the building campaign. Currently at capacity, Same As U will move in January 2023. “The new building provides the space needed to each more young adults with disabilities that would benefit from being at Same As U,” she said. Donate at sameasu.org
4. Prevail, celebrating 35 years as a victims’ assistance group that educates to prevent crime and abuse, is constructing a new building on the south side of Indiana 38 between Hague and River roads in Noblesville. Prevail, which supports local adult, adolescent and child survivors of crime and abuse, encourages donations at prevailinc.org. Prevail supported more than 3,600 victims in 2021. Prevail’s City vs. County Bowl-A-Thon is Feb. 25, 2023.
5. The Humane Society for Hamilton County is also challenging the community to donate. Visit hamiltonhumane.com or call the shelter at (317) 773-4974. November is Adopt a Senior Pet Month.
6. Noblesville Preservation Alliance is raising $75,000 for its NPA Preservation Hall Fundraising Campaign at noblesvillepreservation.org/. Purchasing the Preservation Hall was made possible by an Indiana Landmarks Endangered Properties Loan that was interest free for one year.
7. Nickel Plate Arts in Noblesville depends on Giving Tuesday to receive much-needed donations that allow them to give the gift of creativity to the community. Hamilton County Tourism incorporated Nickel Plate Arts with the goal of supporting, promoting and providing arts experiences in the cities and towns along the Nickel Plate railroad, and has since offered classes and workshops and opportunities for artists and performers. In its first 10 years, Nickel Plate has sold $250,000 worth of art, helped to install more than a dozen pieces of public art and worked with more than 2,000 artists. To donate to the 10th Anniversary Campaign, visit nickelplatearts.org.
8. Noblesville Main Street encourages giving at noblesvillemainstreet.org. Donations directly support the people, places and experiences happening in downtown Noblesville.
9. Meals on Wheels of Hamilton County, which delivers 55,000 meals annually, invites the community to consider donating or volunteering on Tuesday, at mealsonwheelshc.org.
10. Good Samaritan Network of Hamilton County also still needs monetary donations this holiday season, for its upcoming Christmas giveaway, at www.gsnlive.org.
11. Hamilton County Harvest Food Bank, which supports local pantries, is accepting donations at hchfoodbank.org/.
12. Donate to Habitat for Humanity, which builds affordable homes for deserving families, at habitathamiltoncounty.org.
13. Donate to Nickel Plate Express, which has a new Welcome Experience in Noblesville’s Forest Park, at nickelplateexpress.com/giving/
14. Christian Youth Theater Indy, which offers theater classes for kids all over the county, is asking the community to donate. Visit www.cytindy.org, the Facebook page or call executive director Laura Baltz at (317) 340-6225.
15. Donate to The Belfry Theatre, in its 58th season, for the future of Hamilton County’s theater and its scholarships at thebelfrytheatre.com
16. Donate to Carmel Community Players, which is raising money for its building fund, at carmelplayers.org/support-us/donate/
17. Donate to Westfield Playhouse, which opened a new playhouse in 2020 in downtown Westfield, at westfieldplayhouse.org
18. Tri Kappa’s Red Stocking Fund, which is published in the Wednesday edition of The Times each week through the holidays, is seeking donations.
19. Donate to Noblesville Cultural Arts Commission, which puts on the Noblesville Shakespeare in the Park, at noblesvillearts.org
20. Donate to Noblesville Schools Education Foundation at noblesvilleschools.org.
21. Donate to the Hamilton County Historical Society, which offers the Santa House on the Square and many wonderful exhibits at the Hamilton County Museum of History and Old Sheriff’s Residence & Jail on the Courthouse Square, at hamiltoncoinhs.com
22. Donate to Hamilton County Special Olympics at sohcindiana.org
23. The Hamilton County Community Foundation, formerly Legacy Fund, and created from the assets of Carmel-Clay Community Foundation and Hamilton County Parks Foundation, was established in 1991 to help create living legacies and where donations may be made at hamiltoncountycommunityfoundation.org.
24. Donate to Hamilton County Artists’ Association at hcaa-in.org
25. Donate to Hamilton County Youth Assistance at youthassistance.org/noblesville2
The list goes on, from sports organizations, such as Noblesville Elementary Football League at nefl.net or Friends of Hamilton County Parks at friendsofhamiltoncountyparks.org
Giving Tuesday was created 10 years ago to get people to do something good. Carmel Clay Parks asks the community to celebrate Giving Tuesday by sending a photo and description of your good deed to [email protected] to get a sustainable goodie bag.
Contact Betsy Reason at [email protected].