Dr. Arrowood Looking Forward to A New Year

Happy New Year! As we greet a new calendar year, we also welcome in the second semester of our school year which always seems to fly by with a flurry of activities. We have the continuation of winter sports, winter homecoming, spring sports, spring break, year-end awards, band and choral concerts, prom, and culminate the year with graduation on June 3.
Over the break I couldn’t help but reflect on our progresses made in the first semester as we prepare students for success in college, career, and life. We will continue to build upon that positive momentum for the remainder of the school year.

It is our staff who work diligently to create a joyful environment that promotes curiosity and fosters academic, social-emotional, and behavioral growth. Heights’ students grow in competence across subject areas from year to year, and along the way, they build confidence, develop opinions, and gain skills to test and support their theories. We know that the blend of academic and social-emotional rigor is fundamental to success at school and in the workplace.
The overall education and learning experiences provided at Heights will carry our students well into adulthood with the capability to shape better lives for themselves and a better world for all. Our mission is our driving force to ensure that what each child is learning here today will afford them the capabilities of contributing to a better, more compassionate world tomorrow.
Speaking of good things at Heights, over the break, we released our monthly video update, Vol. 85. It’s one you won’t want to miss. In this edition, you’ll hear about groups giving back to our community, a HHHS alum who won a big award in New Mexico, how our Boys Basketball team celebrates our staff, and how our HHMS students will show off our community history in 2023. Check it out online at youtube.com/watch?v=AP_wImMlvhY.
I would like to give a shout out to HHHS’ DECA chapter which was among 525 chapters across the country that achieved THRIVE level recognition this year. The chapter earned the recognition by completing two out of three-chapter campaigns including the community service campaign, ethical leadership campaign, and promotional campaign. The DECA organization is comprised of marketing students that manage and operate the Husky Fan Shop.
The Hamilton Heights DECA members who contributed to the THRIVE recognition were Hannah Smallwood, Lydia Lytle, Melissa Lovell, Alex Rickey, Micah Colvin, Aidan Orton, Elijah Bowers, Tanner Orton, Gavin Poland, with the assistance of their advisor, Kim Kaiser. The chapter will be commended at DECA’s International Career Development Conference (ICDC) in Orlando, Florida in April.
As a reminder, Monday, Jan. 16 is our first Flex Day and school will not be in session unless there is a weather event that causes a school cancellation before that day. However, our Food Pantry will be open on Jan. 16 from 4-6 p.m. Enter through Door A at the high school.
No matter what building I am in, I get the pleasure of seeing our students surrounded and inspired by highly capable and caring people totally committed to their learning, but equally important, their development as human beings. It is a privilege to serve your family. #WeAreHuskies
Dr. Derek Arrowood is the Superintendent of the Hamilton Heights School Corporation.