Guest Column: Budget, Education, Health Care Top Priority List This Session

Lawmakers recently returned to the Statehouse for the start of the 2023 legislative session, which runs through the end of April. This year I’ll be focused on issues that matter to all of us like ensuring Indiana remains fiscally responsible, addressing health care costs and increased educational opportunities for all.
First and foremost, lawmakers will look to pass the state’s next two-year budget that funds critical services, invests in Hoosiers and keeps our state moving forward. Indiana has a strong reputation for not spending more than we take in and we’re committed to maintaining fiscal responsibility. We expect the budget will include increased support for the state’s mental health providers and programs, and resources for low-income women and children, and another record investment in K-12 education.
After talking with families and employers, it’s clear Indiana must do more to expand work-based learning, apprenticeship and internship opportunities in high schools. Regardless of whether a student wants to pursue a two- or four-year degree, or start working after graduation, we need to ensure they’re given the tools to be successful no matter what path they choose. That’s why I support legislation, House Bill 1002, to allow quality, work-based learning to count toward high school graduation requirements and create a framework for students to earn a post-secondary credential before graduation. These hands-on experiences are important tools to grow the state’s workforce and prepare young Hoosiers for the job opportunities of today.
One of the top concerns I hear from constituents and local employers is the rising cost of health care, and they’re right to be frustrated. This session, I authored House Bill 1004 to lower patient and employer costs by increasing competition among insurers and hospitals, supporting independent physicians and incentivizing hospitals to lower prices. I look forward to continuing discussions with my House colleagues and all stakeholders on this complex and critical issue.
As the legislative session moves forward, I’ll continue providing updates on what’s happening at the Statehouse, and I encourage you to sign up to receive my e-newsletters by visiting You can also reach out with questions or input on these topics and others by contacting me at [email protected] or (317) 232-9833.
State Rep. Donna Schaibley (R-Carmel) represents House District 24, which includes portions of Boone and Hamilton counties.